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"Clan Recruitment"

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    Post your Clan Recruitment, Post whether your clan is PC, Xbox or Playstation. limit of 1 recruitment Forum per clan

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originally posted in:Clan Finder
9/18/2018 3:41:57 PM

[PS4] Deduxit per Lucem looking for raiders!

Deduxit per Lucem is open for recruitment! We are searching for any guardian who is looking for a smaller group to do any form of endgame content! We have done everything in destiny, including weekly nightfalls and raids, trials, and any quest for powerful gear. Most of us have been around since D1 and have been a group for a long time. We know how to get things done, and have fun doing it! Any person, new or returning is welcome. We enjoy getting things done, but having fun is prevalent in our minds. If you can joke around with us and get things done while doing so, then you'll fit right in! Just a few extra things about the clan: -Mainly in Eastern or Central time zones, but we have people as far as Ireland! -We use discord as our main form of communication, but understand if you do not want to use it -We are and 18+ clan and require a mic (also okay if you are planning to get one and do not have on for now) for communication in raids and other team activities -We are accepting of all experience levels, and have been sherpas for people through rids before. If you are considering, feel free to message me here or comment on this post! If we are not the fit for you, then I wish you luck in your search. Best regards, Meese (meeseinthewoods1 [PSN])

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  • Xxjohnxbrownxx psn played all through d1 completed everything, new to d2. Currently 510 warlock working on exotic bounties to get ready to start learning raids and start completing nightfalls. Mostly play pve content occasionally pvp for events still learning gambit mode EDT timezone and mostly play evenings and weekends

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