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"Clan Recruitment"

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    Post your Clan Recruitment, Post whether your clan is PC, Xbox or Playstation. limit of 1 recruitment Forum per clan

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originally posted in:Clan Finder
10/7/2018 11:32:04 AM

Looking for a new clan

Hello, I am a 34 year old elementary school teacher looking for a clan of mature, somewhat active players. I am not able to raid every night or run strikes until 4 am. I can usually put in an hour or two on weeknights and can go pretty hard in weekends. I have a 520 hunter and a couple of mid 300 alts. I want to work on the blind we'll to get my other seeds on my hunter. I am PS4 player. If you have space for someone like me, let me know. Thanks.

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  • Good morning! Micelle is a fairly small clan of working adults. We all have jobs and responsibilities. Real life is certainly more important than gaming... for the most part :) (My wife, who is also in the clan- albeit somewhat inactive currently- is also in education. Thanks for your service!) Right now we are pretty small, however I do intend to attempt to recruit a bit more in the spirit of raids and having teammates online more often. We typically use the psn app and mics for communication, however a discord channel may soon be a reality. Nothing is obligatory, we are just here to have a good time! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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