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"Clan Recruitment"

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originally posted in:Clan Finder
10/10/2018 9:34:32 PM

564 Hunter (PS4) LFC - Raiding, Nightfalls, Dreaming City etc

Greetings recruiters, A longtime Destiny 1 fan that was pulled into Destiny 2 by some friends for Forsaken since i had previously helped alot in teaching D1 raids to them. I bought Destiny 2 and love it, and rapidly worked to get my light level ready for the raid. Despite my rapid attempts to grind up and be ready for the raid, the rest of my clan has decided to move on to other games and not focus on Destiny anymore. I am from Texas and generally play very late into the evening and am available weeknight and weekends for raiding. I would really like to focus on raiding, as end-game content in almost any major MMO style game has been my goal and am unfortunately in a rough spot since my clan has decided to forego raiding. When I'm in Destiny and playing destiny all I care about is reviving guardians and progressing content and learning how to be better, and occasionally laughing at my own pitfalls and my friends as well. PS4 name is ShakeNBlakeB6

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