originally posted in:Clan Finder
Hello there!
I am a 23 year old guardian from denmark. (PC)
My schedule every day are busy but I enjoy the game, and I am hoping to find a clan who can help me progress, and I can help them in return!
Atm Im a 522 light hunter, I do everything the game has to offer on a very casual level, tbh you never want me in competative PvP.
when all is said I have a lot of raid experience from WoW, and I have peak at 4.2k in OW, but that has been my only shooter ever!
I would like to go hardcore, but the thing is that I am atm studying philsophy at the university and my GF is a schizophrenic, those 2 things makes me very inconsistens, and I am sorry about that! Therefor I am looking for a clan who can help me learn and progress whenever I can! I would love to help out and help all I can! But I am not the most consistant player you can have!
I can speak and conversate in english, I am happy, I am willing to learn! And I love the game. I am willing to reroll to warlock or Titan if you want me to! It doesnt matter much to me, I just need some people who could use another guy time to time! :)
Clan Magnus Legio (CML) is currently recruiting! What is CML? Clan Magnus Legio, “The Great Legion”, is an organized and mature gaming community that plays competitive, PvP-focused games that reward our teamwork, coordination, and mobility. Formed in 2012, CML has made a name for itself in Planetside 2, Arma 3, Darkfall: Unholy Wars, RUST, ARK, Chivalry, Archeage, DayZ mod, and many more. We are an established community that thrives in challenging situations. We implement a large set of organizational, tactical, and strategic tools to every game we play. This structure and discipline has continually led us to success over the last 6 years. We seek mature applicants that have both the ability to learn and the tendency to listen. We will teach you the skills you need, and train you until you have the discipline required, but you must LISTEN and LEARN first. We goof off just as much as anyone else, but the key is knowing when to and when to NOT do so. We’ve designed the Clan to appeal to casual gamers and hardcore gamers alike. Whether you’re someone who logs in once a week, or an intense gamer looking for an organized group—CML does it all. We approach every game we play with a specific mindset and playstyle. We are focused and dedicated on excelling and “winning” whatever game we enter, but we also maintain our class and respect for all those that we encounter. CML speaks through its actions and its success. We don’t need to troll people in chat, or use cheats/hacks to gain the upper hand. With a simple ‘o7’ salute in chat, we pin our name to the countless victories that our Legion earns. Across the gaming community, CML has garnered the reputation of a hard-hitting, ruthless group that can be your best friend, or your worst enemy. CML values the trust and loyalty of its members and allies, and punishes anyone who decides to betray that. We are not care-bears, and we are not timid. CML does not hesitate to aggressively pursue dominance on the gaming battlefield. Our gaming professionalism is both admired and hated by the thousands of gamers we encounter across the world. We hold our members to highest standard of behavior. Everyone who wears the -CML- tags represents the Legion and represents the years of time and effort our members have put into making this Clan who we are today. If what you read above sounds appealing, and if you are truly looking for a tactically-effective group that treats both friends and foes with maturity and we look forward to having you in the Clan and in the family! heres our website https://www.magnuslegio.net/ check it out and even submit a app!! join our discord today and check us out! https://discordapp.com/invite/sdedZ3
In cayde6 we trust 98 members UK based US and EU players Very active clan Pve based Casual
*Before reading, this is an xb clan :>* We Knights are a brotherhood of endgame players who focus on milestones, and clan engrams and bounties. Abiding Knights was created for guardians who fight for Chivalry, Glory, and Honor We help members with NF, Raids, and PVP. all Active Guardians who play D2 as a hobby are welcome. Abiding Knights make sure that everyone is treated fair. We are starting a promoting system to where all new members start off as a Squire to climb all the way to Prince by challenging the person higher than them (Squire challenging a Knight) and only the person 1 place higher than them. They can challenge them on any activity, PVP and PVE. IMPORTANT: We send messages to people who want to join on BUNGIE, don’t expect us to instantly accept your request How to join: Step 1- Send a request to join the clan by going to our clan profile; https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3060043 Step 2: After that, we will send you a link to our Clan Member Interview Survey that is required to join (Look on BUNGIE for msg) Step 3: Once you complete the survey, you must wait for your survey to be approved by us Step 4: If approved, you will join our clan as a Squire and be sent a inv to our clan discord (Also look on BUNGIE for message) If you had read this, thank you for reading and checking out our clan info and hope to have you in the clan.
Darkness Arrives PS4 D2 only 18+ Mic required for raids <------ Discord Required <------------ Having Fun Required <----------- We are a very helpful clan with experienced admins. We have a very well setup discord server. Discord is required no exceptions. We are 18+ only. We will take all experience levels. We all like to help each other out with getting things accomplished. We do 14 day inactivity/no xp gain purges. This is so there are always people to help. We are world wide everyone is welcome. Know enough english to communicate. Admin team is very social with all members. Family always comes first before the game no matter the activity being done. Its nothing but cutting up and having fun. We are serious when its needed. After all its just a game. Come join us, come be part of an awesome team. Very laid back clan, no out of the ordinary requirements. Just that Discord is required. That is where all clan chat and help is setup at. Plus the fun of just cuttin up. TLDR: any experience accepted, 18+ only, discord required, family always first, have fun. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=3199593 .
Hey, my clan Network-Enabled Operations, NEO, is a PC clan that I just formed. If you are interested we just formed and are fairly new I'm NA but the other member is EU. We are pretty relaxed and down to help with anything. My other member is currently hunting exotics. Clan Page: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=3474060 Discord: https://discord.gg/8gNJQvp
We are accepting new members. Must be active and mature https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=3010239