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"Clan Recruitment"

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    Post your Clan Recruitment, Post whether your clan is PC, Xbox or Playstation. limit of 1 recruitment Forum per clan

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originally posted in:Clan Finder
10/29/2018 3:54:11 AM

Looking for active clan on XB1

Looking for clan to do raids, Nightfalls, strikes, etc. I have a 570 warlock. Want to do the raids, but never have done any at all, including in the first Destiny. Still relativity new to Destiny 2, but played the first, and played 2 on the PC, but switched over due to no one to play with. Just got it about a week or so ago on XB1.

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  • Hi! You’re welcome to join our XB1 clan! We are an established gaming community looking for new members. Our most recent recruitment post can be found here:

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  • We Misfits is recruiting! We are a smaller clan of about 25 people, looking to grow. We have been casual but we’re looking to get a little more serious. We had implemented a ranking system in our Discord in efforts to keep people playing together, basically, if you’re not active in game and discord with other clanmates every two weeks when we check, you’re out. Lol. Just trying to keep it an active clan. We are Lvl 4, almost 5. Requirements are just being active and having discord. About us: We are lovers of raids but we have pvp players as well. We are US based. Most of us are 18+. We’re crazy and we have a ton of fun 😄 We play during the day and late night mostly. I know what you’re thinking, ugh a small clan lol but we’re a family and we’re here for you! Plus we are trying to grow! We’d love to have you! Come grow with our family! Be a nice person and love the game and you’ll fit right in! 😎 You can check out my IG and our clan IG to get a feel of our personalities! Mine: Clan:

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  • Check out our #Destiny2 clan!

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  • Hello! Northern Strong is a xb1/pc Canadian clan that welcomes all from around the world. Our main time zone currently EST/GMT/CT/PT but are very open to play with you where ever you reside. The clan is focusing on the recruitment of EXPERIENCED PLAYERS and helping anyone out who needs it whether that be getting you through a the raids, nightfalls, gambit, EP, blind well, or simply getting your milestones done. Also, if you are an experienced player that’s up for teaching raids with us send me a DM for the perks of becoming an admin. If you're 18+ and up for growing with the clan, reviving downed guardians and destroying enemies, click that join button! P.S this is a LGBTQ friendly clan, all are welcome. We also chat on discord to communicate all things destiny related. We hope to see you with us HeelsNHalligans xoxo <3

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  • Hi! Bulletheads [BTHD] is recruiting members for Xbox: We’re a friendly group of all skill levels! We're here to help each other out. We raid daily and have free weekly raid lessons. Discord connects our clans together. Join our Discord server here: Teams accepting members: INDIA: JULIETTE:

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  • Bacon, I'm an admin for the Cayde 6 Guardians and would be glad to have you. Our clan is for 18 and older gamers. We do both PvE and PvP. We have a number of people that play regularly. We use discord to communicate outside of game and use it to coordinate getting teams together. Feel free to message me if this interests you and we can party up in game. Hope to hear from you.

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  • Hi! Feel free to join Castle Black Wolves! We are a casual, laid back, active clan looking to grow and add new Xbox one friends. We currently have 37 members and have room to grow. We do understand real life comes first including family, work, school, etc. That is why we are relaxed on our rules. The rules are below. If you are interested in joining, click the link below and join our clan! We have open membership! Rules: 1. Be kind and respectful to everyone in the clan. 2. Complete your weekly 5,000 clan points. Participate in nightfall, raids, crucible, gambit, etc when you are able to. Again we know life outside of video games comes first, unless you do video gaming for a living. :) 3. K/D(kill to death ratio) - 0 or above. Dont worry about this! We are not looking for perfect guardians, who have a K/D over 1.0 or higher. If you do have a 1.0 or higher great, if not that is fine too. 4. Have fun and enjoy the game! We have open membership so no waiting for approval to get in our clan. Click the link below if you would like to join! :)

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