originally posted in:Clan Finder
I have been playing solo and have been looking for a group, but players don't seem to be very social. I have three characters, hunter level 20, warlock 31, titan 38(ish). I played the game when it first came back and came back a few weeks ago.
We're all on PC ! Join [b]Amigos Favoritos [AF][/b] https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=3641473
We're all on PC ! Join [b]Amigos Favoritos [AF][/b] https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=3641473
Looking for a PC
Consider 2 Guardians 1 Mag. We are a friendly group of people that want to help each other out. We want to have fun playing the game and chat about anything in our discord server. We are a NA based clan. Hope you consider us.
(Hello! This is a copy pasted message. I'd put effort in to every single post that are asking to be a part of a Clan, but where I live It's 12:00 AM so I have to head to bed. Don't want to oversleep y'know.) Heyo buddo. We've recently started a new Clan named "Smiling Sins" and we'd love to have you around. We're aiming to have a Community of people that are social, so that anyone can ask questions or play a game or two with people on Destiny 2 quickly. Have a look if you'd like, more info is here: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/249790459?sort=0&page=0
https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3617340 ALPHA SINGULARITY [ALPS] "The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war." We are The Alpha. The Guardians Of Whats Right. Friendly And Helpful. Things You need for joining 1: Add One of these, ArcAdeyS, TagHunt or MONOcloud 2:Mic is Optional But we highly Recommend it. 3: Any Platform You will begin as a Beginner until you earn 5000 exp for clan. Then you will be promoted to Member after a week of joining. You can take part in everything. We will make you admin if you get nominated and helpful to us. Peace. 1: BE Friendly No Swearing Allowed. 2: Any power and level can join it does not matter. 3: No Trolling And griefing. For What you can be Banned For 1: Permanent Ban on Trolling 2: Banned For a week for abusing. Approval Required Membership requires approval. 4 Members Created 11/18/2018