originally posted in:Clan Finder
So my clan is small and it appears that I'm the only one who does clan bounties. Half my clan doesn't even play so we don't get anywhere. I would like to join a new clan that has a lot of active members and want to do all sorts of activities. Pvp and pve, I like to do everything and play often. I main a warlock if that matters and dabble with the other classes from time to time.
We would love for you to join our community. Please take a look here https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/249923976/0/0
Thank you all for the replies to my post! I appreciate you all taking the time to invite me to your clans. I have decided to join up in the outlawed rebels clan.
Dark Cataclysm is a PvE and PvP clan. We're open to all platforms and all types of players! We have members from lots of differing time zones, with tons of different skill sets. As an active Destiny player myself, I know how difficult it can be to find the right clan, and I hope this is the one for you! hope to see you soon in Season 5! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3641239 (We also have a discord if you're into that! But it isn't mandatory!) (Warlock master class my man)
Hi! You’re welcome to join our XB1 clan! We are an established gaming community looking for new members. Our most recent recruitment post can be found here: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/249901705
[b]You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning[/b] [i]About[/i] [b]Six Beers Deep[/b] is an [b]XBOX[/b] clan made for adults, by adults. Our player base is primarily [b]NA[/b] and is composed of competent gamers ranging from causal to hardcore in both PvE and PvP. We have an active discord and personalized clan ranks tied to accomplishing difficult tasks with other clan members (just in case you already didn't have enough to grind for) [i]SBD Creed[/i] We don't deal with bullshit. We're all adults (21+) here who like to game and drink. Don't get it twisted, our raids and crucible games aren't sloppy messes. Our clan has cleared all Destiny 1 & 2 content the day/week it was released and will continue to do so moving forward into Season 5. Our growing community will share this vision: A community where like-minded, beer drinking guys and gals can find a fireteam to destroy any PvE content or grind some PvP. [i]Is this clan for you?[/i] Our gaming community includes: -160+ Adult (21+) semi-professional, semi-drunk quality gamers -Dedicated PvP players with a selection of over 50 players above a 1.3 k/d willing to help in any playlist. We've helped over 20 new members obtain Luna's Howl & Not Forgotten. -Dedicated PvE players always looking to run raids, nightfalls, strikes, etc. -Season 1-4 clan banners unlocked, if you're into that. -Dedicated discord to find fireteams for any activity, talk about the game, or just shoot the shit talking to new friends. -Customized clan rank system where you can rise through our ranks by playing with clan members. [i]Requirements[/i] Age: 21+ Must actively use discord Must meet at least two of the following: 1. 15+ Total Raid Clears 2. 30+ Total Raid Clears 3. 5+ Prestige Raid Clears 4. 1.3+ k/d 5. 1.8+ k/d 6. 10+ Flawless Trials Cards Clan 1 (Full): https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=321922 Clan 2 (Request Here): https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=3601200 Discord: https://discord.gg/ucFcXKq
[quote][quote]Hello to all guardians If you are reading this post it must mean you are looking for a new clan or looking to join your very first clan, I do believe we can be the clan for you. Let me first introduce our self’s we are Outlawed Rebels an Xbox one clan for destiny 2. We are not a clan who ask you to do try outs or want to know how many raids you have done or how good your k.d is. All we ask is that you download an app we use called discord and join our server as this is where we communicate and organise all our events and simply chat and have a laugh. So, you are in to pvp I hear you say well that’s great we have our pvp admins to help and advice you on things you want to know or even to help you just fill up your fire team for a match. But I don’t play pvp I am more of a pve player I can hear you say well that’s great also we also have our pve admins to help you on things such as nightfall’s raids anything you need hep with there will be people around to chip in and game and most importantly have fun with. We are all a great bunch of people and we are looking for more likeminded people to help build and grow this clan we like to have a laugh and we are adults here, so we all know life can always get in the way of gameing and here in this clan that’s ok we understand. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me or one of our admin team we are always happy to help. Look forward to be fighting by your side soon guardian!! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3611411[/quote][/quote]
Hi MusicJOO80, My clan is currently recruiting for new members, check out the post I put up for details here - https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/249689787 We're XBOX exclusive, so you should definitely check us out. Plenty of active players across US & UK timezones with people willing to guide inexperienced players or get a sweaty grind on! Hope you check us out, but regardless...good luck in your quest for a clan!
Hey our clan might be of interest to you. Guardians For Guardians are a community lead group with a number of successful and active PC and PS4 divisions (400+ members) already. We are now looking to make G4G Hydra our new Xbox division just as active and thriving! This is where we need you guys... it doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned raid veteran, a weekly flawless trials player or a player who only bought the game last week and is looking for help getting through a nightfall or strike, we are the guardians you’re looking for. Our goal is to foster a strong community spirit, we believe this is done through active participation in clan events and communication, be it the aforementioned raid, crucible or strikes, G4G offer all players who wish for something more than a weekly engram a place at its table. We are not interested in players who simply wish to tag hop or sit back each week for engrams and as such, we make a few simple requests of all prospective members which are intended to encourage engagement. 1. Like this post 2. Join G4G Hydra [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3506178]XBOX - G4G Hydra[/url] 3. Join our discord server via this [url=https://discord.gg/rqxGRZT]invite code[/url] (note you will enter a waiting room to start off with) 4. A invite to our website will be sent which you will need to accept. So, if you want to be part of a vibrant, healthy and most importantly, active Destiny clan, Guardians For Guardians is a good place to be. We will not abandon you, we will not leave you high and dry. Eyes up, Guardian.
Reaper Clan is a well established clan that takes part in all activities. We pride ourselves in helping one another in everything we do. We set up regular events for our members. Want to run nightfall’s or strikes or want to explore the new secrets of Forsaken we have you covered. We run a raid school for members wanting to get involved in raids. We also have a prestige team for the more advanced players. We have PvP teams for all the action you need. We regularly run Gambit as a group so no more solo queuing. Become part of our competitive teams and wreak havoc in the crucible and iron banner. We are a very social clan having a great community on Discord. It’s a great place just to hang out and chat with your fellow clan mates. Discord is essential for setting up events and keeping in contact with fellow members. If you do not want to use Discord please don’t apply. We are an Xbox One Clan with our own private Xbox club Destiny Reaper Clan. We hold competitions with prizes. Inactive members are removed by having a monthly roll call. So message EastOsten or WOZZZZZY and we will look into getting you a position in the clan. We are a 18+ Clan. Any questions ? please ask. Happy Hunting Guardian! 👽🔫 Check out our #Destiny2 clan! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2922962 We are now recruiting for our other clan all part of the same Reaper Clan Discord community. Check out our other #Destiny2 clan! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3128229
Hi,So I have a very small clan of 3 players but we help each other out and are playing constantly.2 of us are 600 and our other friend is only 506.The clan leader is also a streamer as well if that means anything to you.I'm not sure how links work here so just look us up at EXE squadron