originally posted in:Clan Finder
Squid Squad is a small friendly clan for any destiny players on PC, any and all are welcome here!
Here at the squid squad we are committed to helping our members with any activities that they may have trouble with, and to having fun. Our members range right from 200 to 650 Light and we participate in many different activities throughout the game. There are no restrictions on joining, although it would be preferable if you owned all the expansions / annual pass. We are trying to get enough players to raid regularly so if your looking for people to raid with in a more casual manner then this may be for you. We try to keep everything to a casual level that is accessible to everyone, so don't fear if your not the best :)
If your interested in joining shoot me a PM on here or on discord (Pete#7777)
Thanks for reading!
Hello Crazy_Pete! My name is Andreas and I am a nineteen year old Swedish guy currently taking a gap year and working part-time. I will propabably study biology next autumn, but I haven't really decided just yet... anyhow, I am fairly new to Destiny but is looking for a guild which is fairly active and in which I can socialie and grow as a Destiny player :). I am a relatively calm and gathered person and really do not like toxic players, and your clan sounds like a nice place. I own all expansions and also have the season pass. (I saw a "ä" in your name when looking at the clan homepage, are you also Swedish?) So, that was a few words about me :D. I hope I caught your interest and that we will see each other in-game! Cheers, Edge#22440
Squid squad. Is that like a group of R1 squids in shorts and a t-shirt?
What server?