originally posted in:Clan Finder
I'm looking to join a clan of Xbox One gamers. I'm a daily player looking to get into fireteams to complete raids and more.
We are a new xbox 1 clan looking to grow our members. We love playing all parts of destiny! We are casual and like to have fun but get things done in the game. We have members at all power levels and are willing to help with any part. Me and my wife founded the clan together so obviously females are more then welcome. All we ask is you are 18+ and play on a regular basis so we can get the community of the clan growing. Also we use discord for communication. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3712312
Moving Forward Together is an active family community filled with friendly, helpful, loyal, humorous, fun-loving members. We've built an amazing community for our members with our 5 XBOX & 1 PC Division- Whether you’re changing clans, returning or starting out- our door is open and you are welcome to join. Discord is Required (XB1) MFT ~ Combat Assault Team (CATS) (Discord Required) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupid=3096879 (PC / NA) MFT ~ Assassin Combat Team (ACT) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupId=3091364) Discord Required AU / NZ (XB1) MFT~ Down Under Division (AU / NZ) (Discord Required) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/AdminSections?groupid=3458635 All clans are Divisions of the “Moving Forward Together” -”MFT Family” Our requirements are simple: Join our Discord, Be respectful & have a good sense of humor. Our goal is to remain drama free. No age restrictions for us (but if you fall into that loud, vulgar, annoying, wild, raging category that doesn't know how to be a part of a team- we'd rather you didn't join) We want to ensure you that we intend to maintain a very well balance family atmosphere that will enable us to learn from one another.
Hello hello guardian! I see you are looking for a place to call home. I am one of the three leaders of a Destiny 2 clan called “The Desolate Jabberwocks” for XboxOne. We just might be what you are looking for. We are a relatively smaller group of individuals, but are looking to add more to the team. Not particularly fixated on light level or skill level, but just looking to have a good time playing a game we all enjoy. We strive to be a helpful clan, not leaving anyone behind to work on tough missions alone. We may be a casual clan, but we do have a few requirements. - A mic. This is so we can communicate with one another during Raids, Nightfalls, Crucible, etc. I understand that some of you have a hard time talking to people you do not know, but I promise it is worth getting past the anxiety and such. - Age 16+. I might make an exception to a younger crowd, but I would like to play a game or two with you first to see how you fit with us. - Discord. Yes another free app to take up space on your device of choice. I understand it is a pain for some of you, but it is necessary for communication. It will help us plan out our gaming time, and will even help some of you find a person to play with right then and there. It also will give you the opportunity to get to know your clan mates a little better. That is it. Those are all of the necessary requirements to join us. So long as you follow our Code of Conduct you should have an easy time playing and chatting with us. If you have any questions feel free to PM me about it. Hope to hear from you soon! (P.S. If needed you can message me on XboxOne : BH Chesh).
Focus: FORSAKEN CONTENT / CRUCIBLE / BA Crucible Players Welcome. Clan Lore: We are Karrhae. We are defenders of the Last City, we are the Old Guard. About Us: Karrhae is a Clan for all members looking to team up, to take on all of Destiny's toughest challenges. Participate in Milestones, Missions, Vanguard Strikes, Crucible, Patrols, Iron Banner, Adventures, Quests, Public Events, Clan Progression, Exotic Quests, Leviathan Raids and everything else, right here. We are an active group. Guide Lines: 1) Play with others. 2) Be Respectful. 3) Be Active. Extra Comments: * Clan is LEVEL 6 / Created: 9 October 2017. *LEVEL 6 IN SEASON 1, 2, 3,4 5. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2703853
Xero Degrees Gaming is recruiting members, We're with 100+ players that are playing Destiny 2. Doing atleast 2 raids per week which you can also host yourself if ya want. [b]We're using Discord to communicate with our members[/b] Also do we have a Security team that helps you when you feel threatened on the internet. PM me on Xbox [b]XDG Cosmic[/b] if you're interested
Str8 CaSual is recruiting new members. It's a new clan but they're partnered with Echo of Shadows on discord, so even though the clan itself doesn't have a lot of members right now there's still a full clan to play with! Our discord is very active. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3713064 You won't have full access to the server unless you're in one of the clans we have on there, but here's the link if interested: https://discord.gg/NqB8YyP
Edited by Il Badger lI: 2/7/2019 6:31:36 AMI’m an admin of a small yet personal clan of 16 members. We try and raid every week and have no age restrictions if you would like more info please visit our reddit post here https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyLFG/comments/anto2n/xb1_d2_are_you_looking_for_a_chill_clan_of_people/?st=JRU88GC7&sh=30e2d177 Thanks!
We have members in most time zones,we accept members 16+ and we always help new players get a better footing in the game
I'd be glad to welcome you into my clan if you wish
uk timezone? and an Adult? if so take a look at y clan. I see youre low level but as soon as your high enough to raid we'll help out!