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"Clan Recruitment"

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originally posted in:Clan Finder
2/20/2019 4:57:24 AM

[Vex Network] - The clan for everyone is open.

[b]The Vex Network is a brand new clan with an initial goal to grow.[/b] The Vex Network has a mission to create a community large enough so its members can always quickly find a familiar fireteam to play with. Our only requirement to join is to be an active Destiny player. As a bare minimum, we define an active player as someone who does at least one weekly activity per week; this could be the nightfall, weekly bounties, weekly strike/crucible goals, and anything else that resets on the weekly reset. Bungie limits clans to 100, and we have hundreds of additional slots reserved, so we urge you to join our discord if you are interested in becoming apart of the Vex Network. You don't even need to be apart of the clan to join the discord since its goal is the same as the clan's, to build a large community of Destiny players. [url=]Join the Vex Network Clan[/url] [url=]Join the Vex Network Discord[/url] Once you have joined, please upvote this thread for visibility. [b]Additional Information and plans:[/b] The Vex Network is a clan that anybody can join, we have no light level requirement, we have no skill requirement, we have no DLC requirement, our only requirement is activity. Users who join the clan should also join the discord because once we begin to grow, the discord will allow you to be apart of the entire clan by being able to see all of its members. Furthermore, users who go inactive, we don't monitor this stat extremely closely, will be removed from the clan and will be allowed to remain in the Vex Network community discord. Being a clan that is open and allows all different types of players to join, we will eventually see patterns of players form. Once this happens, we would like to form divisions of players based on what we notice. For example, there are 140 linked players and we notice 70 extremely active members who do all the raids 3 times per week and another 70 who do the nightfall once per week. We will automatically categorize these players out with our discord bot as Extremely Active and Semi-Active. This will later serve the purpose of catering even more to the needs of our members, members who fall into different categories, that have not yet been determined, will be able to easily network themselves with similar Vex Network members. In summary of this, we have many plans to benefit our members for free. The one listed above describes that once our numbers grow into the hundreds and eventually thousands, our systems will create user profiles in order to cater better Destiny fireteam matches for them. [b]Final notes:[/b] We hope to see you in our roster and on our Discord server soon, and we hope to grow fast to achieve our goals quickly.

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