originally posted in:Clan Finder
I just made the jump from ps4 to xbox. I was the leader of a clan on psn so i know my way around the game. Just started up on xbox so im still low lvl but wont take long to max out.
Guardianz with Jobs is recruiting. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3719967 Trying to get more players who can raid. We are a USA based clan in the MST and PST timezones.
Bulletheads CHARLIE is recruiting! https://www.bulletheads.org/xbox [b]Who we are:[/b] We are a group of active, friendly Xbox players who enjoy having fun while helping each other. We are an adult clan. However, we don't check IDs. As long as you follow the rules, you will not be removed because of your age. You must act like an adult to be a member. You must be OK with playing Destiny with adults. If your parent(s) or guardian(s) are not OK with you being in an adult clan, you are too young to be a member. To those who are just starting out: No required power level; we know if you are active, you will level up in no time! [b]Why we are recruiting:[/b] We never stop recruiting. Founded in February 2018, we're always looking for new active members. We keep our rosters fresh with only members who've played in the last 30 days. Going to be off Destiny over a month? No problem; just let our admins know and we won't remove you. [b]What our clan is like:[/b] Managed by Discord, it's a friendly space to meet like-minded Guardians. We don't allow bad behavior. For a server with over 500 members, it's impressive how drama-free it is. Our helpful staff are always present and available to assist any member with anything that comes up. [b]How to join:[/b] 1. Request to join Bulletheads CHARLIE here: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3056680 2. Discord is mandatory to join. Connect to the Discord server here: https://discord.gg/ExwdMqz 3. Registration instructions will be sent to you. Once you are registered, tag your clan staff in your clan channel so we can accept you. For example: You requested to join CHARLIE. In the Discord server, find the #charlie channel and tag @CHARLIE Staff so our staff can accept you.
{XBOX ONLY-NA/EU} Λmour is now open and recruiting players within a 1.5+ only K/D range. Hello Guardians! We are Λmour, a completely new clan mainly focused on the PVP aspect of Destiny in it's entirety. Although we openly welcome experienced players, we do also accept players who understand the basic principles of PVP in Destiny. To insure we fulfill this rule, we have set the minimum requirement of joining the clan to 1.5+ in terms of Kill/Death ratio. All players are welcome as long as they can treat their fellow clanmates with respect and be somewhat active in the clan, i.e doing their clan bounties, making it for weekly events that help the clan progress, etc. [b][u]LANGUAGE:[/u][/b] - English Only [b][u]REQUIREMENTS[/u][/b] - Play on [b]Xbox [/b] - Have the Annual Pass - 1.5+ K\D - Don’t be immature - None below the age of 14 - [b][u]We are a gaming community so discord is a must have.[/u][/b] [url][/url] https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=3727069
Clan Name: Destiny Raid Parade (DRP) System: Xbox One Location: Multiple guardians from most US time zones Usual Busy Time: Evenings and weekends Age Range: Semi-mature adults Our Clan: We are a gathering of surviving few members of a defunct clan, so we banded together and started DRP. We are looking for active players to fill our ranks. With the launch of Black Armory behind us and Bergusia Forge now open, we are recruiting to fill our roster. Current members are excited to be back for more content and new changes. And new guardians are always welcome! Are you a lonely Guardian in your current clan, never joined a clan? Want to try your first raid, or knock out last wish and scourge on all your alts? Want to try some comp, gambit, or nightfalls? So do we! Do you sign in and shoot some aliens at least once a week? Are you an easy going and a laidback bada$$? Destiny Raid Parade may be the clan for you! We are 9-5 workers, college students, stay at home parents, professional space warriors, trash talkers, but most importantly we are Destiny fans, anyone is welcome. We gained new guardians weekly and the clan is more active than ever. We are right around 90 members and want to fill the remaining spots with those guardians who have been waiting to meet the right clan, we are here! PM if interested and I will help get you set up with the Raid Parade. Our only requirement is that you join our discord so that admins have a means of contacting you if need be. Come chat with us on Discord and see if were the right clan for you!? Hint: we are! Discord https://discord.gg/qhU83N
The Exp3ndabl3s. We are 18+ use discord laid back clan