originally posted in:Clan Finder
Me my brother and his freind are looking for a casual clan on xbox i am a 650 hunter my brother is 648 warlock and my bud just got the annual pass and we are now leveling him up he is a 594 titan i play often my brother and his friend less so but still decent we are up to do crucible and nightfalls gambit have mics although i am not much of a talker tho but will still communicate
Bulletheads CHARLIE is recruiting! https://www.bulletheads.org/xbox [b]Who we are:[/b] We are a group of active, friendly Xbox players who enjoy having fun while helping each other. We are an adult clan. However, we don't check IDs. As long as you follow the rules, you will not be removed because of your age. You must act like an adult to be a member. You must be OK with playing Destiny with adults. If your parent(s) or guardian(s) are not OK with you being in an adult clan, you are too young to be a member. To those who are just starting out: No required power level; we know if you are active, you will level up in no time! [b]Why we are recruiting:[/b] We never stop recruiting. Founded in February 2018, we're always looking for new active members. We keep our rosters fresh with only members who've played in the last 30 days. Going to be off Destiny over a month? No problem; just let our admins know and we won't remove you. [b]What our clan is like:[/b] Managed by Discord, it's a friendly space to meet like-minded Guardians. We don't allow bad behavior. For a server with over 500 members, it's impressive how drama-free it is. Our helpful staff are always present and available to assist any member with anything that comes up. [b]How to join:[/b] 1. Request to join Bulletheads CHARLIE here: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3056680 2. Discord is mandatory to join. Connect to the Discord server here: https://discord.gg/ExwdMqz 3. Registration instructions will be sent to you. Once you are registered, tag your clan staff in your clan channel so we can accept you. For example: You requested to join CHARLIE. In the Discord server, find the #charlie channel and tag @CHARLIE Staff so our staff can accept you.
Hello hello guardian! I see you are looking for a place to call home. I am one of the three leaders of a Destiny 2 clan called “The Desolate Jabberwocks” for XboxOne. We just might be what you are looking for. We are a relatively smaller group of individuals, but are looking to add more to the team. Not particularly fixated on light level or skill level, but just looking to have a good time playing a game we all enjoy. We strive to be a helpful clan, not leaving anyone behind to work on tough missions alone. We may be a casual clan, but we do have a few requirements. - A mic. This is so we can communicate with one another during Raids, Nightfalls, Crucible, etc. I understand that some of you have a hard time talking to people you do not know, but I promise it is worth getting past the anxiety and such. - Age 16+. I might make an exception to a younger crowd, but I would like to play a game or two with you first to see how you fit with us. - Discord. Yes another free app to take up space on your device of choice. I understand it is a pain for some of you, but it is necessary for communication. It will help us plan out our gaming time, and will even help some of you find a person to play with right then and there. It also will give you the opportunity to get to know your clan mates a little better. That is it. Those are all of the necessary requirements to join us. So long as you follow our Code of Conduct you should have an easy time playing and chatting with us. If you have any questions feel free to PM me about it. Hope to hear from you soon! (P.S. If needed you can message me on XboxOne : BH Chesh).
THΞ CRYPTARCH is an Xbox clan of experienced top-tier guardians who thrive in Destiny's endgame based in North America. If you are a Destiny hobbyist who loves to tackle PvE and/or PvP with other like-minded players on a consistent basis or are a newer player who would like to join an experienced clan to help them ascend in the game, request to join, and we can take on the world of Destiny together. Visit us at [url=http://www.thecryptarch.com]www.thecryptarch.com[/url] or our [url=https://www.facebook.com/thecryptarch/]Facebook page[/url] for more information or check out [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1409337]our clan profile[/url].
We will make you a talker... come check us out. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/251021910?sort=0&page=0
[quote]Hello to all guardians If you are reading this post it must mean you are looking for a new clan or looking to join your very first clan, I do believe we can be the clan for you. Let me first introduce our self’s we are Outlawed Rebels an Xbox one clan for destiny 2 and a over 18s clan. We are not a clan who ask you to do try outs or want to know how many raids you have done or how good your k.d is. All we ask is that you download an app we use called discord and join our server as this is where we communicate and organise all our events and simply chat and have a laugh. So, you are in to pvp I hear you say well that’s great we have our pvp admins to help and advice you on things you want to know or even to help you just fill up your fire team for a match. But I don’t play pvp I am more of a pve player I can hear you say well that’s great also we also have our pve admins to help you on things such as nightfall’s raids anything you need hep with there will be people around to chip in and game and most importantly have fun with. We are all a great bunch of people and we are looking for more likeminded people to help build and grow this clan we like to have a laugh and we are adults here, so we all know life can always get in the way of gameing and here in this clan that’s ok we understand. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me or one of our admin team we are always happy to help. Look forward to be fighting by your side soon guardian!! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3611411[/quote]
Hey Tony5911795 I was browsing through the forums on bnet and saw your post about looking for a clan and i thought i would stop by and say hi. I run a small clan called Dungeon protocols and we are always looking to add new members to our family. We are a awkward social group of adults who enjoy kicking back and playing games especially destiny. We have built our clan around the idea of being a place where people can feel at home regardless of skill level and time restraints, all while still having a good time with friends in game and in our Discord chat. I’ll keep it short for now so feel free to head over to our website [url]dungeonprotocols.com[/url] for more info about us and to see if our clan would be a good fit for you. Hope your hunt for a clan goes well, thanks for your time Tahoe