The Queens Elite (PS4 UK based clan) A Clan is there to help and that's what we are all here for! We Help and look out for each other regardless in raids/crucible/milestones We are not a ''You must do this'' clan. We are a Mixed Bunch We are all different and all have differing personalities, that's what makes us unique! This Clan has been newly formed to provide help to all and we hope you are interested in helping us create our vision. Those that are new to Destiny...no problem! We Definitely have time to teach everything about this wonderful game with experienced members willing to help. Our Rules are Very Simple Participate when you can. We understand people have real lives and that there are other games out there. Don't be Disrespectful. This is a place where we can Game and Talk all the Gaming crap we can. We are a UK based clan and would prefer members from UK/EU although we accept all members of any nationality. We communicate using Discord which is available in the destiny app upon joining. Help us help you become a better guardian. Enlist today at https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=3758142
[This Advertisement is brought to you by: Dreaming City Real Estate where everything is taken!.] Hi, You must be wondering, "Is this the clan for me?" - "Am I Top Tier Trash Material?" - "Did my mother have morning sickness after I was born?" Those are all valid questions because I'm here to tell you that over 70% of the Guardians don't know their trash level. You can ask Lord Shaxx he will tell you, not everyone deserves Luna's Howl. In Top Tier Trash Guardians, we have over 500 players and six branches! And 97% active players rating (According To 2018 TTTg yEeEt Bot) That's more active than your mother's sex life! (just kidding!) We don't have any particular rules; just don't post your nudes on discord. Speaking of discord, here's the link :) https://discord.gg/5xdWjFG (This Sales Pitch is Patented under the Guardian Law Sec. T1T1Trash of Travelers Policy Discretion. Any copyright infringement will become subject to disciplinary action under Private Match Policy 1v1-LShxx. For more details join TopTierTrashGuardiansII or TopTierTrashGuardiansIII or TopTierTrashGuardiansIV or TopTierTrashGuardiansV or TopTierTrashGuardiansVI.)