originally posted in:Clan Finder
We are looking to fill our ranks! We're currently at 50+ members and whether your thing is PvE or PvP, we have folks who do it all. We're a casual clan with our active times being in the evenings. Our raids tend to be Thur-Sun at 7 pst, but clan mates can request different times whenever they want.
We have simple rules:
1. Have fun! Shoot some #$#@ in the face!
2. Be respectful of others. We do joke around, but don't go crossing lines.
3. Be active, we all have real lives but don't go missing for a month.
4. Discord is only required for raids, but it is the main source of our clan communication.
Let me know if you'd like to join up!
Me and a friend would like to join. I generally play only on weekends, but I will be active during that time.
I am currently looking for a new clan. My clan basically stopped playing when Season 7 started. I have a warlock and hunter both almost 700 that I play regularly. I am looking for an active clan that regularly runs raids (still have never been on a raid). I am an active gambit, crucible and story line player. Please let me know if there is space available.
interested in joining if you have me!
D1 veteran just joined D2 to see how it is, looking for a casual clan to have fun with
Looking for an active clan
I'd welcome an invite if you still have some room. Not familiar with the board's functionality so I may have DM'd you initially. Dabulamanzi#1618
BurningEyes#11943 D1 veteran, need more people to play with.
Hey man, looking for a solid group to run shit with, if there's still space available add me @ wolfwags#11137
Yow, i have no clue if your ever gonna see this comment, but i´m more than interested in joining your clan. Just left my other clan since they mainly spoke a language that i couldn´t understand, and everytime we raided i had to know exactly what to do and when to do it on my own without communicating with the others. My bnet is Svenskerlort#2489 Feel free to drop me an friend request if your still looking for members
Hey I'm interested if you're still open. I got into D2 cause of irl friends and they all stopped playing so I definitely am in need of a new clan. If you wanna hit me up my Battle net is CrazyMonkey#1945