originally posted in:Clan Finder
Hey friends , a friend and I are looking for an active clan on pc. we usually play every day for the most part and are looking for fun friendly clan to join to play d2 with. we are located in na.
[NA/PC]SHADOW_RUNNERS are recruiting new and returning guardians who are interested in clearing Raids and Strikes. We're also forming Fireteams to crush our enemies within Gambit and the Crucible! Add DaxKILLA101#1182 and send a whisper for more information. Clan: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/?groupid=2783184 Discord provided below. https://discord.gg/sUzgxJy
Invite sent. Discord link is in the clan chat. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=431661
Hey Judge, if you're still look you can join us at Discount Fireteam. We're a mixed bag of people, that do Pvp and Pve. We also help with quests and raids for those who havent finished everything yet. If you wanna scope us out first you can join our Discord https://discord.gg/4TXj4zZ Or you can just join the clan here https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3737659 best of luck in your search for a clan!
If you're a chill individual, then Lucid Nightmares is for you. We are a crew of students, workers and parents who have lives. This doesn't mean we aren't active. In fact, we are quite active, especially in the evenings. We have skill levels across the field from the fresh blood to vets of Destiny 1 days. We basically have 1 rule that I feel like covers everything with a nice blanket of common sense. The rule? Just be chill. If you stay chill, we stay chill and everyone will be happy. We just want to game and have fun doing so. With all of this said, if you are interested in joining this community, please join our discord where we communicate and plan events, and then request to join the community. If your name differs, please let me know so I accept you. Discord; https://discord.gg/3KFCey8 Clan Page; https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3420260 I hope you all have a lovely morning/afternoon/evening/night. -CoryWho
Hey judgeoffate! If you were looking for a group of chill guys that just wanna laugh and have fun, look no more. We are on daily and usually raid every weekend. Come check us out! Hope to see ya there https://discord.gg/9Brr5uj