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"Clan Recruitment"

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originally posted in:Clan Finder
5/22/2019 7:28:31 PM

[XB1] [NA] Two Guardians looking for an active PvE clan

Two Guardians looking to join an active clan on XB1. Most members of our clan have been inactive since way back around seasons 2 & 3 and we’d like to connect with an active clan before Opulence drops. Looking to do all PvE activities. Will do PvP - Raids (looking for a clan that is willing to teach, but we are willing to return the favor and help out others) (interested in learning/helping with all raids even Y1) - Gambit - Strikes - Nightfalls - Adventures - Triumph Hunting, etc. - Crucible Both are +18 & have headsets. In NA on EST ArcAngel0213 Kywresto

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  • Hello! TRUE North Str0ng is a xb1/pc Canadian clan that welcomes all from around the world. Our main time zone currently EST/GMT/CT/PT but are very open to play with you where ever you reside. The clan is focusing on the recruitment of EXPERIENCED PLAYERS and helping anyone out who needs it whether that be getting you through a the events, raids, nightfalls, FORGE, gambit, EP, blind well, PVP and Competitive PVP or simply getting your milestones done. You must play at least once every 10 days or you will be removed for inactivity. If you plan on going on a hiatus, please let an admin or founder know. Also, if you are an experienced player that’s up for teaching raids with us send me a DM for the perks of becoming an admin. If you're 19+ and up for growing with the clan, reviving downed guardians and destroying enemies, click that join button! P.S this is a LGBTQ friendly clan, all are welcome. We also chat on discord to communicate all things destiny related. We hope to see you with us HeelsNHalligans xoxo <3

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  • Instruments of Light [LITE] Laidback Adult Clan on Xbox, currently looking for new members. We treat each other with respect and love to help out anyone and everyone. We are an active clan always trying to schedule on Discord, raids, as well as full fireteams in crucible, iron banner, gambit and any help in pve. We currently have 37 members and are looking to expand with people who are interested, love Destiny and everything it has to offer. We do understand that people have families, careers, school etc... but we want people who give effort and help others in the game and aren't looking to play for their own agenda. We care about all of our members and want everyone to succeed in the game, as well as obtain all new weapons, armor, lore etc. Our members love and enjoy raiding and are always trying to schedule raids and are willing to help new members in the raids as long as you're not arrogant and or rage quit. Like I have stated previously we are very laidback and chill and willing to teach but please be open to hours of raiding without quitting or being angry/arrogant. We treat each clan member as if they are our own family and will welcome new recruits with open arms and plenty of sarcasm. If you feel like this clan is for you, we would love to have you apart of our family. Please feel free to Destiny Track our Founder and Admins Founder: Bailey14 Admins: Spar7acus62 Epilef91 Mr R U Serious KingDabber83 MrBrooksALLDAY Na3via

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