originally posted in:Clan Finder
2 laid back guardians looking for xbox clan. Do all activities.
If you want to join a group that is totally willing to help newer individuals, Destiny's Guardians is a great group. We have groups that are here to specifically help people with end game content, as well as Gambit, Crucible, and Reckoning! Below is a link to our discord channel, feel free to join! You can also use it as an LFG. https://discord.gg/Hrj8hMT
A Pinch of Orbs is looking for more active members! We are a casual Adult (18+) clan with around 70 members who mostly focus on PVE but participate in all activities regularly. This includes but not limited to all raids (even the occasional D1 raid), Gambit, Quests, Strikes, etc. We have an avid raid group, who often hosts instructional raids to members wanting to learn. Toxic players are not welcome, so if you believe yourself to be better than everyone and like to put others down then you can find a different clan to join. However, if you are just looking for some active players (male and female) who like to joke around but get shit done, this might be the right place for you. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2953614
Do you like driving exotic cars, making sw33t love to supermodels, and being an international gaming maniac??? Cruce and Brews is a clan created back during vanilla destiny, the core has been playing together for 4 years now and we are looking for ACTIVE players that are either SWEATY TRYHARDS, NECKBEARDS, or SOCIAL. You dont have to play everyday but we do like you to be social and semi active in the discord. We aren't looking for drones that will play solo and never talk just to add to our clan exp. Currently we need players for all rolls (raiding, crucible/comp, and gambit teams)because we have players on at all times. Come hangout with us, you could be in a montage, in house pvp event, or one of our streams! https://discord.gg/8tu9sFW https://www.twitch.tv/brawnywix https://mobile.twitter.com/brawnywix
Bunch of Misfit Guardians is an XB1 Clan with 40+ active players. We all actually play together and get all 4 engrams weekly. We do raids, gambit, crucible, and help with whatever your goals may be. If this sounds good, message me on Xbox gt Mollie Tov so we can meet up and play.
Hey there! We've got a clan of 55/100 active members. We're recruiting to fill the rest of the slots up. Shouldn't take long! Would love it if you two would join up and help us grow. Our clans been around for years and I'm the original leader. We're a strong, unified, laid back crew. Look us up and feel free to join! Clan name - Grateful Gamers