originally posted in:Clan Finder
Imitate is a clan that has been founded on the basis of building a strong community. We have gathered a large grouping of players who all return day after day, sharing victories and laughs alike.
We are not looking for the bare minimum player. We want people who enjoy the more hardcore aspect of the game, things such as attempting worlds first for a raid, trying for a world record speed run, or even just trying out different fun weapons to kill bosses. As a clan, many of us also enjoy battling it out in the crucible, while we love doing raids, challenges, and other PvE content, we also enjoy PvP and are trying to head into a more PvP direction.
What we offer:
- Active players, community, and discord. We want to get to know each and every person in our clan
and we want for everyone to do the same.
- Raiding and subsequently going for the worlds first and speed runs for new raids.
- Crucible and with that competitive.
- You must have the most recent expansions.
- Be 700 light minimum on at least one character.
- Have experience in raiding.
- Act mature (Don't be a dick). You do not have to be 18+ although you need to act like an adult.
- You must join discord, even if you do not talk.
- Be active in the clan, we want to build an active community.
How to join:
- Upvote the post or comment so we can have more recognition!
- Join the [url=https://discord.gg/zPmJNYj]discord[/url] and post your bungie.net URL in #clans-invite
- Sit tight and wait for an invitation!
If you need to ask a personal question or something along those lines contact me on discord at Liam#8008
Looking to join for the same reasons. Really seasoned in crucible, fast learner in raids. I’m around 680 only because I came back from a Naval deployment to a whole bunch of new content but I’m working diligently to catch up. Can use some help getting weapons and completing challenges but I can promise to be a well-rounded asset to the team. Please consider. Paulyg2901#1291
I'd love to hop into a stable clan! Loving the camaraderie~