Covenant X is a day 1 Destiny 2 clan that has reached max level every season. We are home to many skilled and laid back players that love to do all of the games content as a close knit clan that experiences all the game has to offer together. We require active participation, communication, and contribution from our members and we constantly replace those who don't in order to have a thriving community that embraces teamwork. We consistently get all engrams and have players actively engaging in both PVE and PVP game modes. We are a mature 18+ clan that actively recruits new members and replaces inactive members. We ask that you preferably have raid experience, a mic, be 600+ and have a fun and helpful personality. This clan offers help to its members and we strongly encourage communication within the clan both in game and through the D2 companion app. D2 Companion app is required If interested, request to join Covenant X at https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2636402!
We have an admin and members in New Zealand if you are interested. We’d be glad to have you. Check out our #Destiny2 clan! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2157888