originally posted in:Clan Finder
I'm a 690 Light Hunter
I Don't Play Crucible As Much
Need To Do Raids,Strikes,Etc. With People
Nothing Serious I'm a bit laid back just looking for some fun too
Check out our #Destiny2 clan! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=889644 Welcome to the League of Free Worlds, a clan that believes equally in supporting each other’s endeavors and having a good time. From destination exploration, to conquering raids, to PvP, we have members that do it all. We believe above all in having fun and helping each other out. This clan has members across the globe so chances are you will find people available to play, no matter your time zone. You must be willing to be an active member of the clan, which includes participating in clan chat and/or discord at least once a month. We reach max rank each season by having active members, so get out there and play, add each other and have fun. We have a zero tolerance policy for bullying of any sort and cheating (DDOS, boosting, etc that negatively impacts other guardians and their ability to play the game). Proof of any of this will result in immediate expulsion from the clan
THE IRON WOLVES are recruiting! I am a recruiter of THE IRON WOLVES, We are a 4 year old Xbox Destiny Clan, looking for new and veteran guardians alike. We use Discord to chat and set up all our events. Check us out here: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=882490 Our main recruitment thread: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/252309473?page=0&sort=0&showBanned=0&path=1 Join our Discord here: https://discord.gg/bc4BQfF Want to know more? feel free to drop me a message and I can explain more about ourselves. Regards Your friendly neighborhood Iron Wolves Recruiter
THΞ CRYPTARCH is an Xbox clan of experienced top-tier guardians who thrive in Destiny's endgame based in North America. If you are a Destiny hobbyist who loves to tackle PvE and/or PvP with other like-minded players on a consistent basis or are a newer player who would like to join an experienced clan to help them ascend in the game, request to join, and we can take on the world of Destiny together. Visit us at [url=http://www.thecryptarch.com]www.thecryptarch.com[/url] or our [url=https://www.facebook.com/thecryptarch/]Facebook page[/url] for more information or check out [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1409337]our clan profile[/url].
Hi we are a clan that likes to have fun and hang out, and clear activities. We don't have any requirements and are pretty chill. If you see anyone online, usually they will be happy to fireteam up. If you need a fireteam, shoot a message in the app and someone will be online usually pretty quick. Check us out. [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/admin?groupid=1930361[/url]
Ishtar Alumni [XB1] Check out our #Destiny2 clan! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1015631 The Ishtar Alumni was created from the dawn of Destiny 1 where on the planet Venus, we attended the Ishtar academy and graduated from it to form what the Alumni is today! Our biggest goal is to create a big comfortable environment where people can socialize and play together! When it comes to all things PVE/PVP, we will be there to help you and of course get all of our engrams for the grind and further seasons in the future! We need members that are active and all around awesome to play with! Our members use the app Discord. Discord is a requirement and we ask that all members use it and be active with the clan.https://discord.gg/9vYsESa We have a hard cap of 10 days without playing destiny will result in a kick out of the clan. We are a drama free clan and our admin team reserves the right to remove any who cause issue, with or without warning.
Are you a casual player? Do you have a life outside of Destiny? A family? Kids? Do you prefer to wind down with a game and a friendly voice? AoA is here to welcome you. The Alliance of Archangels, like many other clans, has seen an incredible drop in activity over the last 6 months of content. We have been around since the start of D1, and we've rebuilt and rearranged our ranks many times. It's time once again to welcome new members! Understand that we are more or less starting from scratch here. We're looking for dedicated, chill players who want to be a part of a growing clan and are willing to aid in that growth. It will take time to rebuild - and we will be glad to have you grow with us. Adult only, relaxed and positive. LGBTQ+ friendly. No demands, no expectations. Two rules: have fun & be kind. We're here to help each other! Visit the page listed below for more info or to request membership: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=396484
THE IRON WOLVES are recruiting! I am a recruiter of THE IRON WOLVES, We are a 4 year old Xbox Destiny Clan, looking for new and veteran guardians alike. We use Discord to chat and set up all our events. Check us out here: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=882490 Our main recruitment thread: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/252309473?page=0&sort=0&showBanned=0&path=1 Want to know more? feel free to drop me a message and I can explain more about ourselves. Regards Your friendly neighborhood Iron Wolves Recruiter
A Fistful of Engrams is a new Xbox 1 clan starting up for opulence, recruiting active players! We’re a small but focused clan looking to increase our numbers. All of our players are active and do anything from raids to crucible to strikes to gambit. Our main focus though is conquering raids. We are primarily U.K. based and looking for players in or near the GMT time zone. But that doesn’t mean we won’t accept other players from other time zones if they fit in with our play times! Our raids are usually set for 7pm U.K. time and we generally do 3 or so a week depending on numbers. New or experienced raider? Doesn’t matter. If you’re willing to turn up with nothing but 12 bullets and maximum effort that’ll do for us! We’re all chill and like a laugh but do ask a few things from our members: 1. Having discord is a must it’s where we plan everything and chat 2. Have a headset 3. Be active - we would like our members to join at least one raid per week 4. Help your clan mates We’re here for our members for anything from how to get dem exotics to dishing out life advice - we got you covered bro! We are looking for quality over quantity players and don’t want to fill our roster with inactive bodies! If you’re looking for a close knit clan that play together and help each other then please contact myself or Blaze 24x for more information
We are the Ares 1 Project, humanities first mission to discover the Traveller and kickstart the Golden Age. We're looking for adult (18 years & older) Guardians on Xbox willing to join our 33 (and counting!) Clan members in whatever activities you prefer. Our primarily US/EU members are active Raiders & Sherpas, Crucible Grinders, and Notorious Gambit'iers. Whatever part of Destiny catches your fancy, you'll find others who share that interest with us. All we ask is that you join our Discord server (primary source of conversation & group coordination) and try to help others when they ask for it! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! We would love to have you if we sound the perfect fit for you.
I am currently looking to add people to my clan that want to do raids and end game stuff. Have 71 people, but not all are active so I've been looking for high level, active players to join us. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3194395