originally posted in:Clan Finder
D2 year 1 player looking to get back into destiny for year 3
looking for high tier clan to play with
Most notable achievements in D2
-Eow top 100 finish
-2k+ elo in multiple playlists in pvp
(in the seasons i played in)
about me
have time and motivation to grind
20 yeas old
from finland
Destinytracker link https://destinytracker.com/d2/profile/pc/smibb-2497
Battletag: smibb#2497 Discord: Kimmo#6876
be sure to give me a msg if interested
We here at The Cloaked Warriors are currently looking for members. We are a Xbox clan. Our players are great at raids, nightfalls, and crucible. Although we are a small clan, we have many great players and are aways searching for more. All u need to get in is be above 12 years old. No discord required but if u would like to join our discord msg one of ur admins or your founder. We also offer raid school to anyone who needs it. Check out our clan using this link. We hope u can become the newest Cloaked Warrior. We would be happy to see you. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3776266
Hey there! We're a large, diverse and friendly ps4 clan consisting of two branches (two clans) playing together with +170 members who are looking for even more people to play with!! Nothing but good people here! We're not solely based in EU, but have a good player base both from US and EU (nobody from Finland yet though, but a few scandinavians) We have a policy of getting 2.5k in game XP every week (which is fairly easy to obtain) - this is to always keep the server as fresh and active as possible. Since we have two divisions that work together, we also have a discord that is mandatory for you to join! Link will be in the bungie clan chat Here is a link for the division that is currently recruiting: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=3757305 Hope to see you there!!
We're a multi-region PC clan focused on teaching new members about D2 (raid classes!) and running through content together. If you're lookin for people to have fun or learn check us out here: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3627307 and use the supplied discord link to apply. Hope to see you in one of our raid groups soon =). After joining our server Kon will PM you to ask which clan you're applying for and give your info to our recruiters to invite you shorty. You can contact me on the bungie site here if you need help with Kon.