originally posted in:Clan Finder
I'm looking for a casual clan to chill and raid just got back into destiny 2 after being away for a long while.
Hello, We are a laid back clan with players in all time zones and ability level. We have zero requirements for membership and just ask that you love Destiny. Our membership is about 50 right now, with most players being fairly active. Weather you a maxed light guardian that plays every day or on a slow grind and play once or twice a week, you are welcome with us. Our goal is to have 100 (50/50 PC and Xbox) active members by the time Shadow Keep launches. So come check us out and see if we are a right fit for you! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2211948
Want a chill PC clan that just wants to play together and chat? Well, you're in luck! The Dr's Office is currently accepting all new patients. We run strikes, nightfalls, raids, and crucible. We also have a discord! Check us out https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=2894158 Make sure you join the Discord. It's where we post all the news about the clan and keep in contact with each other. https://discord.gg/m6wFDMA
Hello, We are a laid back clan with players in all time zones and ability level. We have zero requirements for membership and just ask that you love Destiny. Our membership is about 50 right now, with most players being fairly active. Weather you a maxed light guardian that plays every day or on a slow grind and play once or twice a week, you are welcome with us. Our goal is to have 100 (50/50 PC and Xbox) active members by the time Shadow Keep launches. So come check us out and see if we are a right fit for you! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2211948
Now seeking scrub lords and casuals for a clan with an unoriginal name. This is a PC clan being rebuilt hoping to attract others who are willing to help teach or grind. I understand that life is busy and that adulting happens. If you only play 3 hours a week, awesome. Looking for NA adults with a sense of humor and love of the game. Discord is a requirement. A clan is what you make of it and willing to put into it. I can't promise help until the clan has grown and be willing to help others! Join us at https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1445995 Thanks for looking.
We're a multi-region PC clan focused on teaching new members about D2 (raid classes!) and running through content together. If you're lookin for people to have fun or learn check us out here: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3627307 and use the supplied discord link to apply. Hope to see you in one of our raid groups soon =). After joining our server Kon will PM you to ask which clan you're applying for and give your info to our recruiters to invite you shorty. You can contact me on the bungie site here if you need help with Kon.
Are you looking for an friendly active Destiny 2 clan? Join us: https://discord.gg/Pv5cBMP
Hello there fellow guardian! I'm here from the clan NyxAbyss. We are a small clan looking to expand, so we're recruiting any and all PC - NA players into our ranks! We're a solid choice of clan where you can lfg, relax and do weekly raids + other community events! But most of all, a place where you can catch chill games. We also have a cool discord server! Join our community today and get stuck in! Discord entry required. Clan: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3501514 Discord: https://discord.gg/jjMKDrU