https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2455317 https://discord.gg/cACNks6 [b]The Light's Legacy exists because of one simple thing: our love for Destiny and Bungie's amazing universe. Be it Raids, Strikes, Crucible or general tomfoolery, we do them together and ensure we have fun along the way. Our ambition is to provide the perfect home for anyone looking for their Destiny family and become a name synonymous throughout the Destiny fanbase. We are ourselves not just a clan, but a community.[/b] -We take great pride in being one of the biggest and oldest UK/US clans in Destiny -UK and EU based, but open to absolutely anyone who wishes to join; no initiations, simply send us a join request and we'll get you on board (we require approval to mitigate clan hopping) -Discord is a mandatory requirement for communication; please don't sign up if you're unwilling/unable to use it -Founded by D1 veterans, some who started way back in the D1 beta -Raid run every weekend with a consistent, highly experienced team -91 active, consistent members -We run all content throughout the week, therefore you will always find someone online to adventure with The Season of Opulence is upon us; time to return to the Leviathan... [b] Come Guardians. The Light is calling...[/b]
[This Advertisement is brought to you by: Dreaming City Real Estate where everything is taken!.] Hi, You must be wondering, "Is this the clan for me?" - "Am I Top Tier Trash Material?" - "Did my mother have morning sickness after I was born?" Those are all valid questions because I'm here to tell you that over 70% of the Guardians don't know their trash level. You can ask Lord Shaxx he will tell you, not everyone deserves Luna's Howl. In Top Tier Trash Guardians, we have over 500 players and six branches! And 97% active players rating (According To 2018 TTTg yEeEt Bot) That's more active than your mother's sex life! (just kidding!) We don't have any particular rules; just don't post your nudes on discord. Speaking of discord, here's the link :) https://discord.gg/XPQ8nQp (This Sales Pitch is Patented under the Guardian Law Sec. T1T1Trash of Travelers Policy Discretion. Any copyright infringement will become subject to disciplinary action under Private Match Policy 1v1-LShxx. For more details join TopTierTrashGuardiansII or TopTierTrashGuardiansIII or TopTierTrashGuardiansIV or TopTierTrashGuardiansV or TopTierTrashGuardiansVI or TopTierTrashGuardiansVII.)