[NA/PC]SHADOW_RUNNERS are recruiting new and returning guardians who are interested in clearing Raids and Strikes. We're also forming Fireteams to crush our enemies within Gambit and the Crucible! Add DaxKILLA101#1182 and send a whisper for more information. Clan: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/?groupid=2783184 Discord provided below. https://discord.gg/sUzgxJy
We're a multi-region PC clan focused on teaching new members about D2 (raid classes!) and running through content together. If you're lookin for people to have fun or learn check us out here: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3627307 and use the supplied discord link to apply. Hope to see you in one of our raid groups soon =). After joining our server Kon will PM you to ask which clan you're applying for and give your info to our recruiters to invite you shorty. You can contact me on the bungie site here if you need help with Kon.
Hello, We are a laid back clan with players in all time zones and ability level. We have zero requirements for membership and just ask that you love Destiny. Our membership is about 50 right now, with most players being fairly active. Weather you a maxed light guardian that plays every day or on a slow grind and play once or twice a week, you are welcome with us. Our goal is to have 100 (50/50 PC and Xbox) active members by the time Shadow Keep launches. So come check us out and see if we are a right fit for you! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2211948
Shadow Legion[NA][PC] is currently recruiting for Season of Opulence. We are a laid-back casual clan that has been around since the Destiny 1 beta. Focus is mostly PvE, but we do have some players that PvP. Currently looking for players who want to run raids regularly. If interested let me know. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2585122
Hello, We are a laid back clan with players in all time zones and ability level. We have zero requirements for membership and just ask that you love Destiny. Our membership is about 50 right now, with most players being fairly active. Weather you a maxed light guardian that plays every day or on a slow grind and play once or twice a week, you are welcome with us. Our goal is to have 100 (50/50 PC and Xbox) active members by the time Shadow Keep launches. So come check us out and see if we are a right fit for you! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2211948 English
Want a chill PC clan that just wants to play together and chat? Well, you're in luck! The Dr's Office is currently accepting all new patients. We run strikes, nightfalls, raids, and crucible. We also have a discord! Check us out https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=2894158 Make sure you join the Discord. It's where we post all the news about the clan and keep in contact with each other. https://discord.gg/m6wFDMA
[This Advertisement is brought to you by: Dreaming City Real Estate where everything is taken!.] Hi, You must be wondering, "Is this the clan for me?" - "Am I Top Tier Trash Material?" - "Did my mother have morning sickness after I was born?" Those are all valid questions because I'm here to tell you that over 70% of the Guardians don't know their trash level. You can ask Lord Shaxx he will tell you, not everyone deserves Luna's Howl. In Top Tier Trash Guardians, we have over 500 players and six branches! And 97% active players rating (According To 2018 TTTg yEeEt Bot) That's more active than your mother's sex life! (just kidding!) We don't have any particular rules; just don't post your nudes on discord. Speaking of discord, here's the link :) https://discord.gg/XPQ8nQp (This Sales Pitch is Patented under the Guardian Law Sec. T1T1Trash of Travelers Policy Discretion. Any copyright infringement will become subject to disciplinary action under Private Match Policy 1v1-LShxx. For more details join TopTierTrashGuardiansII or TopTierTrashGuardiansIII or TopTierTrashGuardiansIV or TopTierTrashGuardiansV or TopTierTrashGuardiansVI or TopTierTrashGuardiansVII.)