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"Clan Recruitment"

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    Post your Clan Recruitment, Post whether your clan is PC, Xbox or Playstation. limit of 1 recruitment Forum per clan

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originally posted in:Clan Finder
6/13/2019 5:33:54 PM

Looking for a chill PVE focused clan who doesnt mind helping out with teaching raids and events

Hello all, I played d1 when it first came out but only played for a few months due to joining the military. I played vault of glass and still remember the good old cheese days of tossing the boss off the stage. I played d2 when it first came out as well and completed the leviathan raid a few times. Same thing happened where I got busy and couldn't play for a while but now I am back into it and would like to get back into raids, my characters are already around the 700 level. Thanks for your time!

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  • Hello! I’m one of the sherpas for Assassin’s Oath and am recruiting older players who are interested in learning raids. We play primarily in the evenings EST. Check us out if you’re still interested in finding a clan.

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  • 404 Last Word Not found. We have players who play all activities. We are always looking for more and we dont have a list of requirements. We do have plenty of people who set up raids each week. Send me message on ps4 at Geebus55

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  • *Update* I play on PS4, eastern time zone

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