originally posted in:Clan Finder
Hey everyone, we are looking for a few friendly players! we are EU and US mainly however we accept any and all players! We are looking to grow the clan with people who are happy to help out a fellow guardian! PVP and PVE!
Hey! Would love to join, i am an enthusiastic 750 warlock!
Hi, I would love to join your clan, I'm a returning player so a bit low power level, but very active at the moment, so im grinding alot. PSN: Goemes
Invite pls: dramoeba just came back to the game
I would like to join as I do not have people to raid with. PSN: SYNDICATEPROXZXT
Would also love an invite PSN seph5001
Everyone in my old clan stopped playing so I'm in need of a new squad that plays. I have raid experience and play regularly throughout the week. Would love to join your clan if you still have openings! PSN ID: FullMtlElkemist
hi i would love an inivte i sptopped playing for a while back now and enjoying it and would like to do some activites
Hi, I'd like to join, stopped playing after season of the drifter but interested in getting back into the game and always free to do anything! Psn: rockerdudesg Thanks!
I wouldn't mind getting an invite. Just got back into the game since the base game launched and am always willing to learn and help others out. :D PSN: zanais_
Sounds good, shoot me an invite - I'll bring 2 of my work colleagues with me
I'd like to join! PSN Saityr
Hey would love to join really need people to play with