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"Clan Recruitment"

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    Post your Clan Recruitment, Post whether your clan is PC, Xbox or Playstation. limit of 1 recruitment Forum per clan

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originally posted in:Clan Finder
6/18/2019 10:25:53 PM

LF PC Clan for me a few friends

Hey all, I'm looking for an active clan for me a couple friends. We are all pretty laid back and play pretty much everything on D2. Looking for active clan that would be down to help with raids and whatever. If you've got a clan with a few open spots, please add me. Thanks :) GirthyTable#1742

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  • [i]We are a small group of adults young and old that just want to have fun and play Destiny 2. Most of us have lives and jobs outside Destiny 2 so we are not always online 100% of the time but when we are online its all hands on deck and we are more than glad to help our clan mates along with others out. Now we may be a small clan at the moment but we are looking to expand and add more active members so come and join up. So with that being said if your are 18+, go ahead and run away and come join our Circus We do everything from PVE, PVP, Raids, Quests, Gambit and whatever else needs to be done. We don't demand you play with us so if you decide to go solo that is your call we won't look down on you for it, we simply try and offer the opportunity to team up if you need the help or want the company. Just now got done setting up our discord channel. Discord is not mandatory but it is here for all clan members to use. We're not looking for occasional players but you don't have to play every day either. We're looking for players that are on at least 3 or 4 times a week that want to do serious end game content. We're a chill group that just loves to do all content and have fun! We look forward to having you our Death Rabid Murder Circus. DarkReaper67#1445 (The Reaper of Darkness) PS:: Please leave age and full battletag in your reply[/i]

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    1 Reply
    • GoP is a new, chill clan of new D2 players and a few vets. We would love you to join if you're down to be in a chill group lol. PM me on discord @ Raphael#7893 or on @ Raph#11175

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    • [PC/NA/East] Recruiting for Guardians Glotchholes is looking for Guardians that play and enjoy Destiny. We are hoping to get a few more active members that enjoy running strikes, the crucible, raids and other endgame content. We are most active from 4 pm EST to 12 am EST. If you are looking to become part of a semi-hardcore small clan then let's end this darkness and bring forth the light.

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    • [url=]Thanat Operating System[/url] always welcomes you to join! Although the clan itself is new, I have been playing since Destiny 1 came out to beta, so I am experienced enough to help y'all out with the raids! :) Our discord is here:

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