originally posted in:Clan Finder
Hi everyone,
I am looking for a PC clan that does casual PvP (not the clan that looks for the best players).
I enjoy PvP but I do other activities, but I primarily focus on just PvP opposed to doing things like Raids or Gambit.
With that being said, if you need to invite me or need my details add me down below:
Discord: NotSoFruity#2008
Battle net ID: Gulam101#2802
Edited by Regale: 8/6/2019 7:04:49 AMHi Gulam101, Have you taken a look at Phoenix_Down? Check out our clan here: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=3497404 If you feel like hanging out with us before you join, check out our discord: https://discord.gg/VABUBm (link good for 24 hours, message for new link) We have a small population of players from the EU, second largest is from Oceanian and the majority is from NA.
Howdy Gulam101! I belong to a super awesome/healthy community and clan called Black Fire Crew. We have over 30+ raids going on a week and events going on every single day. I've been with this clan for going on two years and honestly the best place to find people enjoying Destiny and being super chill and awesome to one another. We do have open slots in the clan, just hit up our Discord link on the Bungie link below, and come say hello! If you type !clan in the Discord it will give you everything you need. Regardless, no pressure at all, can also just join the Discord and have folks that will help you out. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/252698444
Recently, my clan has been getting back into D2. We're a small, multi-game, and long time established clan. We're like family to each other, and most of our members have visited each other a few times. We're made up of people with jobs and families, so we're a bit more on the relaxed, casual side of things, but we are looking to start the raids in the near future. If you want to check us out, visit our site at https://thebrotherhoodofgames.com/
[PC][NA] Valēre | PVP | PvE | Competitive | Discord https://discord.gg/dbUXsYc We are PVP focused clan Valēre and we are looking to increase our size to become the best clan with friendly players that enjoy playing together!:D Our Clan is focused on all aspects of the game: PvP, PvE, Raids, Crucible, Exotic Quests! Here’s our clans webpage: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=3818713 [Valēre] <--Join us! :D In-Game Requirements ⦁ Players with at least 1.5 to 1.8 KA/D ⦁ Players with at least 500 Crucible - Quickplay/Competitive Matches. ⦁ Active,friendly,competitive Player ⦁ We have zero tolerance for players that abuse third-party applications (hacks/scripts), network manipulation or other ways to take advantage over legitimate players. ⦁ No Sketchy In-Game Background/History ⦁ Hardocore pvp & pve players How do we communicate? We use discord to talk to each other and plan things. This is the main way we communicate with each other in the clan. Discord Requirements - Clan Discord:https://discord.gg/dbUXsYc [Valiancy/Valēre] ⦁ ACTIVE Discord Member ⦁ Friendly Member of the Community ⦁ Proper microphone/headset Here’s our clans webpage: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=3818713 [Valēre] <--Join us! :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [PC][NA] Valiancy | PVP SWEATS | Competitive | Discord If youre into sweats we are looking for free agents to join our sweat clan. Please contact us to join Valiancy --> https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=3043453 In-Game Requirements ⦁ Daily scrims/sweats ⦁ Players that are dedicated to practice daily
Are you still looking for a clan?
Check out my post buddy, maybe useful for you. Thanks in advance if you do. Also if you do check us out or go over to the post, could you please upvote it or comment so its stays relevant, thank you again. Also the discord is open to anyone regardless of being in the clan or not, feel free to utilise its tools and community. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/253040722/0/0
Hey there Guardian 👋 If you’re still looking for PC clan check us out https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/253020472/0/0