originally posted in:Clan Finder
I've played Destiny since the beginning but have gone through a longer lull until recently. With my fire reignited I'm looking for a clan. I play casually but often. Work a 9-5 but do my best to contribute. Lemme know if there are any clans looking for a warlock, currently 720 but climbing everyday. From a personal standpoint, I'm a very chill player wanting to improve my abilities, learn more about the game and help as much as I can. Sadly, I have never fully completed a raid, only partially.
Hello! I’m one of the sherpas for Assassin’s Oath and we’re recruiting older folks (21+) interested in end game content. You can check us out here: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/252584140?sort=0&page=0 If you’re interested you can message me there or send a psn message to Aeluro.
Fff, come be a Y33T Master, my child.
Ps4 or xbox?