originally posted in:Clan Finder
I’m coming back to Destiny after taking the last few expansions off. I’m looking to join a clan. I’m an adult player who works for a living but I do plan on playing fairly regularly. Looking for a laid back clan that does a little of everything and is active PST evenings and weekends on PS4
Elix!!!!! What’s up bro , hope your well . Did you find a clan ? I’m back on destiny just 923 now . Let’s play sometime is fullfee back ?
Our clan is 8 member's strong and 6 of us have been together since D1. We have people on everyday playing and get everything done. Raids all quests and play pvp. We have a blast hanging out and just playing and making joke. Vary in age between 40 and 22 in our group but everyone gets a long. Just looking at adding 3-4 more players to the clan. Hit us up if interested. Respond on bungie.net Clan: Impeccable Timing