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"Clan Recruitment"

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    Post your Clan Recruitment, Post whether your clan is PC, Xbox or Playstation. limit of 1 recruitment Forum per clan

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originally posted in:Clan Finder
10/4/2019 10:35:21 AM

[PC] Returning Player with New Player LF Casual Clan :D

Goodmorning, i played Destiny 2 from time to time, and I am coming back to check out the game and play casually. My fiance is completely new to the game and she's just wanting to check out the game, but she's extremely happy to try out the game. If there's a place for us please let me know :D

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  • Howdy! If you are still looking for a clan we would love to have you! Our Clan is currently made up of 4 Active Members, we describe ourselves as Casually Competitive. We like to do the harder content but by no means are we Min/Maxing the game. As of now are members are currently all sit in the mid 20's so if you are looking for maturity atleast we look the part. If it helps my SO also plays so your Fiance wouldn't be the lone survivor. Our Clan page is: As far as Voice Chat, our clan has a paid private TeamSpeak3 server that is free to use for all members. It is not required to be part of the clan but IS required to at least join and listen when participating in Raids or Competitive playlists. If you have further questions you can add myself on steam at: SneakyHumpBack or one of our Admins such as RhcpGuy We appreciate your consideration.

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