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"Clan Recruitment"

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    Post your Clan Recruitment, Post whether your clan is PC, Xbox or Playstation. limit of 1 recruitment Forum per clan

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originally posted in:Clan Finder
10/9/2019 1:50:06 AM

Semi hardcore looking for clan.

I'm looking for an active clan. I would like to do the new and the old raids to complete some sets since I took a break. I play every night and am currently 930 light. I am pst time zone . I also have 2 friends that would be interested in joining also . I prefer medium sized clans if you have over 100 members I would likely not be interest. Anyway if anyone has a good clan to suggest I look forward to it !

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  • Trash Brigade is Recruiting [PC] NA/EU |17+| [Mic Required For Raids] Trash Brigade is a Multigaming Community that strives to be a hub for gamers to socialize and teamup. Whether that be casually or competatively. Since Destiny 2 has recently gone on steam F2P we will be kickstarting a clan. So if you are interested in playing with some peeps/helping out or have any questions check us out! Clan: Discord:

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