The Wolf Vanguard is a PC-based clan. UK mainly but as long as you're English-speaking, anyone's welcome in. No mic needed, but welcome to join voice chat. We're a casual guild, old school members who've played since D1 day 1. We mainly dip in and out of pve, pvp, and see if we can run some raids - new or old. No commitment expected; play as you like. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=214913
Join C4TACLYSM, we are a new clan and are currently recruiting. Anyone can join and there are no requirements. If you want to join a clan just for the benefits of being in a clan such as a banner and loot and engrams but dont want to play with anyone in the clan and just want to play by yourself or with your friends then that is totally fine! If you want to play with people in the clan and do strikes and stuff and earn points for the clan then we encourage that too. Play how you want to play. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3978591
Siη is looking for players fun group and have a discord english only
Hi, Philosheim is inviting people to join. It’s a new clan that is player-based and tackles pvp and pve content. Most of us will probably be in asia tho. Do u want to join?