originally posted in:Clan Finder
Hello all! I haven't played Destiny 2 in over more than a year and a half. I am looking for an active clan. I am good at both pvp and pve. It will take a small amount of time for me to catch back up though.
Hey CptAce! Wipe It Up is a newly formed clan looking for guardians to build a solid fireteam that can go clear raids and raid challenges on a weekly consistent basis without the need for lfg. The founders have a lot of raiding experience between d1, d2 and other games. We also run pvp, gambit, nightfalls, etc together as a clan. We are also accepting casuals who enjoy everything else in the game and those who only raid occasionally. We just formed and were slowly growing but we would love to have you as part of the team. Come grow with us! If interested msg me here or psn @ Ol_Skabbz https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4061651
Why should you join our clan, Vexed Entropy? (PS4) Our clan was created from a small group of friends that have known each other for a long time now. Our goal is to maintain that friendship with the members of the clan to make a strong community. We have a discord server that we want everybody to join. We have a leveling system in our discord server where you gain XP if you talk to other people. Once you hit level three, we will promote you to a clan member. Our clan has a lot of workers and some people still in school, so we are primarily active on weekends, and sometimes after work/school. Please don’t join if you are somebody expecting our clan to have everyone active all the time, life always comes first. We have 5 amazing admins that serve different rolls to help everybody in the clan out! We have 3 admins serving as pvp admins. Several of which have already hit 5500 and are happy to help people get their pinnacle/ritual weapons. (Shadow21345340, Fire_Ice_Creeper, and RadioactiveCroc) We have 3 admins serving as pve admins. They can help with nightfalls, missions, gambit, and exotic weapon quests. (ASuperShocker, RadioactiveCroc, and DR-MADMAN) We have 2 admins serving as raid admins, they help guide new players through any raid of their choice. [I serve as one of the two raid admins.] (Korakatk, Fire_Ice_Creeper) We host a private clan crucible match every week! Everybody in the clan is welcome. This is a good way for clan mates to test out weapons, practice, and meet other clan mates. Also, the winner gets a shoutout in our discord server! We have a weekly clan raid night, we collectively teach new players that night rather than just teaching a few players at a time on other raid days. Our clan guidelines: Be kind to your fellow clan mates. If we catch you being a prick around the other clan mates we’ll kick you. (Don’t overthink this, just don’t be an Ahole) Be active! This doesn’t mean you have to be on everyday, but we do hope that you play once a week. (If you are going on a vacation or you won’t be able to play for some reason, please message me!) Please play with other clan mates. This is how we’ll get our engrams, also, this game is a lot more fun with other people! If you’re interested, here’s our clan link: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clanv2?groupid=3998595 If you have questions, feel free to reply to me and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Good Ømens 95 members UK based US and EU players Active clan All activities Weekly raids All skill levels 18+ adult clan PS4 https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3090738
[b]Hold My Ghost and Watch This[/b] We're an active 18+ PS4 clan looking to grow. If you're looking to grab some sweet loot, have a laugh and make some friends along the way then we could be the ideal clan for you! We regularly run raids and help each other overcome the challenges found in Destiny and we only have 3 simple requirements: [i]Be 18 or older Connect to our Discord server Don't be a Dick.[/i] If you're able to meet these requirements we'd love you to get involved with our gaming community. If this is of any interest to you please check our clan page - https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3657455 Or feel free to message me on PSN: DrizzyDrisc