originally posted in:Clan Finder
A fireteam of 40 year old gamers looking for an active clan, high tiered and willing to help others.
Must be a clan with banter and full of Special people lol.
Thanks for the offers people.
Hey guardian, We are LOST LEGION a European clan with members from UK / Europe and some members from the States (USA). Our members are all friendly, English speaking and active. Weekends may vary due to family commitments. We have only adult members, and we’re a casual to active clan, seeking all end game activities. Our admins, Founder and Members are always at hand to help should you need support in an activity. Simply create an event on Band and wait for a member to join. Give us a go - Check out our #Destiny2 clan! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3434446 See you soon, The Lost Legion Admins.
21+ PS4 group here from a mix of timezones. There are about 20 Europeans and 30 Americans so its somewhat like two small clans that work together. We get into raiding, crucible, and a bit of everything else. You are welcome to come by the Discord anytime to meet us. https://discord.gg/K3WB7v6
Hi there, check us out. The ancient light order Small but active clan. No requirements needed. If intrested, send request. Cheers floch2035 Check out our #Destiny2 clan! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3743586