originally posted in:Clan Finder
looking for a clan with people that will farm 980s, run all raids and be active late night
You should check out 5x5. "Five by Five" is a cross-console, active and friendly clan for PlayStation and Xbox with over 90 members. We are looking to add experienced guardians to run the Sundial, Nightfalls, Strikes, Gambit, Forges, The Reckoning, Crucible, etc. with the clan. For more information on our clan, visit our website at [url]http://5x5.dreamhosters.com[/url] We are currently looking guardians on PlayStation and Xbox and are comfortable with these requirements: [quote]1) You must be active on Destiny 2 on Bungie's servers at least [i]once a month[/i]. If you're inactive longer than a month, you're out. 2) We require you use the Destiny Companion app and post at least [i]once a month[/i] in our private clan forum through the app. 3) Keep the conversation in parties and game chats appropriate and polite. Negativity and disrespect are not tolerated.[/quote] [i]‘Five by five’[/i] is a radio term meaning, [i]‘I read you loud and clear.’[/i] Five by five therefore means a signal that has excellent strength and perfect clarity. [i]We only use the Bungie app and our website. We do not use Discord.[/i] Request to join 5x5 at https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2143503
Guardian! It’s great to meet you at this crossroad in our journeys. It’s my distinguished pleasure to inform you about a new progression based clan that has a point based system for recruiting: Poets and Pirates [PnP] on the PS4 platform. Point based? Yes, we feel this keeps our clan competitive and relevant. As season go, points will adjust and there will be a need to continue both your progression and the progression of possible recruits. That means you have to play the game! It’s a culture that requires all involved to actually commit to the game and their clan. Interesting name you got: thanks! It’s loosely based on an old Kenny Chesney song that addresses the idea of being a lover and a fighter. We aim to have a culture where we will foster our love of the game and clan while fighting back the darkness. Sound good? Check out this Google doc recruitment form: https://forms.gle/LFeAnthfwgSg8Ekz9 fill it out, be honest and then check the discord to see how many points you have: https://discord.gg/pBDpYgb You will have to register, but that’s a bonus because you get more points! I hope you are interested and we look forward to continuing the journey Destiny provides for us all!
Guardians! The Devilz Rejects (PS4) are looking for guardians to join our clan to yet again push back the darkness. We’re a mix clan with people from all over the world. We have players for raiding and pvp content, that can help you get to Legend in Competitive, and our raid Sherpas are setting up the raids with few slots for beginners. In the European time zones things pick up after about 6 pm GMT0, and for Americas around 7 pm EST is when people start to come online. If you feel like the activity times match your schedule, and you fit the profile below, reach out to the clan leader and apply to the clan. - Be 18+ - Must Speak English - Be willing help others - Mature and Sensible - Use Discord to post for activity and sign up for events - Have a mic for PS4 party chats Once you apply, make sure to have a look at your messages in the Bungie app as we will be in contact through there. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2104134