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"Clan Recruitment"

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    Post your Clan Recruitment, Post whether your clan is PC, Xbox or Playstation. limit of 1 recruitment Forum per clan

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originally posted in:Clan Finder
3/8/2020 11:03:16 PM

XB1 il resto clan - the mature clan that gets it all done is currently recruiting

il resto The first thing most people wonder is, what does "Il Resto" mean? Its Italian for "The Remains" Il Resto was formed when a few different clans broke up during the early Halo 2 days. A sub-group was reformed into Il Resto. It remained a loose group of friends until Destiny came out when even more people joined up and we moved into something a little more formal. Il Resto is very laid back, there's very few rules and they all revolve around membership. We have a clan discord that’s used to stay in touch and get activities planned. We do require discord and in game activity. We're trying to keep it an intimate clan where everyone knows everyone a little bit. We're an adult, xbox-based clan. Membership is open to 21+. We are good at getting things done but it’s not a sweaty atmosphere around here at all. Raids Pit of Heresy 950-980 NFs Gambit Iron Banner Trials! Exotic Quests Seasonal Events Campaign We have members that enjoy all destiny has to offer.

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