originally posted in:Clan Finder
I want to join a clan that is active. I'm a casual gamer trying to become stronger.
at this point I'm a beginner
Crash the Moon is an adult, active, no pressure PSN clan where everyone can play at their own pace. No one is ever told to “git gud”, and if somebody’s struggling we jump in to help. We’re proud of our achievements, we raid weekly, we’re not sweaty but we hold our own in the Crucible. Generally we try to hold 2-5 clan events/raids per week. We require all members to join our discord and actively participate in the clan (party chats/activities/discord). This is less about having to play D2 a certain number of days a week, and more about being social and active within the clan when you happen to be on. PS4/NA/Active/Discord/No H8/LGBTQ+ Safe
Hello, Guardian! I’d like to invite you all to come join our clan Kingdom Bound. Kingdom Bound is a Christian Gaming Clan, devoted to serving the Lord Jesus Christ while we play. Whether gaming alone or with others, we strive to bring God glory in our actions. We're not perfect, but God molds us into His creation each day. Kingdom Bound is a place that many have considered a home, where we are all one big gaming family. Many of us have been around since the good old days of Destiny where Atheon sits on his throne of Mythoclasts. Every Saturday we host a clan raid for any inexperienced Guardians or for anyone who’s looking to have some awesome fun while getting epic loot. Things we love doing as a clan : • Strikes • Patrols • Nightfall • Crucible • Iron Banner • Trials of Osiris • Raids • Gambit (I could’ve just said “everything” huh? 😉) Everyone in Kingdom Bound socializes with each other in our Band page. There we voyage past the horizon of Destiny and expand our reach to other games. We also offer several channels for prayer and encouragement, and every so often you may find yourself in the midst of a Clan Challenge. Send me, ScarletFox97, a message on bnet or on Playstation if you have questions. Bungie Clan Page: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupId=3068816 Band Clan Page: band.us/@kingdombound
We are Flaming Yams [Yams] and we are a growing,semi-laid-back group of mostly active players looking for people to play with and grow as players. We range from casual to grindy, from young to old, and time available to play. Requirements: 1. Be active in Destiny! 2. Communication is key! 3. Play with us! (What console you play on doesn’t matter) Communication we use: 1. Companion App 2. PlayStation Messages 3. Discord (Communication is nice, but is not required) We do/can help with: 1. Exotic Quests 2. Raids 3. Ritual/Pinnacle Weapons 4. Nightfalls 5. Trials 6. Weekly Challenges 7 Or just plain old messing around Message me (Jurassic_Sith) for more details/questions you may have!