originally posted in:Clan Finder
Looking to join a clan that has a decent amount of people on Pc. Preferably NA So our times can aline most of the time. Looking to do all pve and pop activities especially looking to do my first raid and trials runs i have never done them im mostly a solo player
Hey Grimmix, If you're looking for a mature and laid-back group to join up with, then our community in Black Fire Crew might be a great fit. We are always open to new members, hardcore raiders and casual Crucible combatants alike. We have multiple sub-clans that all share the same Discord server, so it’s easy to find a group for any activity. There are always scheduled events to jump in on, and you can even create your own events to have people join you at a set time that works for your schedule. There’s also a built-in LFG chat and in-house Sherpa Program, where we teach the most efficient methods for completing every raid or dungeon. Even if you're on the fence, feel free to check out what we're all about in our Discord server or message me on Steam/Discord with any questions. Looking forward to grouping up some time! [url=https://discord.gg/9HhTfk2]Discord Invite[/url] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/252698444]More Info about Black Fire[/url]
Winter Destiny 2 is recruiting! Our Destiny 2 Community is made up of more than 1,600 members from around the globe. We offer all facets of the game, to include; raids, pvp, nightfalls and dungeons. We offer learning raids and experienced raids. We help members obtain those very sought after weapons like Outbreak, Whisper, and all the raid exotics. We ask that our members join our Discord, be at least 16 years of age and that they use a microphone. Winter offers our members a place to call home on XBOX, PS4, PC and Stadia, or multiple platforms. Discord server, https://discord.gg/BZchHnA, and website (https://winterclan.net), are available to ensure we are able to communicate effectively with our members, and that they have all the tools necessary to get in the game! For more information, or to join, please reach out to one of our leaders on Discord; PS4: lREVANl #5528 Punisher #6746 Rocket_ace24 #1568 PC: jpmercier #1370 Midcitynight #9907 Linkgod #1220 XBOX: X Kaspr X #3851 Arcayde6 #4957 Stadia: ZeroNorm #8750 We hope to see you soon… stay frosty!