originally posted in:Clan Finder
I'm an above average player with a positive KD in both Crucible and Trials and I have the Unbroken title. During the week I normally grind pinnacles and PVE but during the weekend I want to impress Saint-14! Unfortunately, not many people in my current clan play PVP and the rest are all grouped up by the time I log on (and PUGs blow). Just message me if you have a spot open in your clan!
We are Redux Gaming Community a family friendly clan on PS4. We are a 21 and older clan We do pretty much everything in game crucible, strikes, nightfalls, gambit, gambit prime, reckoning, seasonal activities and raids. We are also in Competitive Server where we compete against other clans in PVE, PVP and Gambit. We have an active Raid sherpa program (you must be an active participant on discord or bungie app for this to apply) We are looking for new Members that are not only looking for help, but are willing to help others as well with quest, raids, Trials, etc members that will be active on chat and in game Members that are willing to lead or set up raids. Members that are willing to help others improve in the crucible including Trials Check us at https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1877171 Request to join only if you plan on... playing with clan members being active in game, bungie chat, or on discord and are in the NA continent *Must be active on either Discord or bungie app. If you do not plan on using either please do not request to join. It is how we set up activities. Keep an eye out on your bungie messages if you request to join. "The more invested you are in the people, the more invested you are to the clan, the more invested you are to the clan, the more invested you are to the game"
OLDWOLVES!! Do you endgame? Over 21? PS4? We're an extremely active, medium sized clan and that's how we like it. Here, we make sure everyone gets through all of the content they would like. We help each other every day. Clan first!! We're looking for other active endgame players who would be interested in going for Day 1 raids, dungeons, flawless trials runs, prestige/flawless raids, grandmaster nightfalls, and triumph seals. If those activities sound like too much for you, so are we. I'm a sherpa for fun. I look out for my clan. Take a look. We've been grinding seals and raid triumphs that are leaving us next month. Interested? Comment on this thread to get an invite. Typically, I ignore DM'S https://raid.report/ps/WingManWilbur https://dungeon.report/ps/WingManWilbur https://trials.report/report/2/4611686018469069280 https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=3214951