originally posted in:Clan Finder
I'm looking for a clan that is preferably 18+, English speaking, that doesn't require discord and that is active who is girl gamer friendly. Really mostly looking for a clan that is open to helping new members with completing raids. I'm a 1076 warlock who is fairly active, however if I join my husband will most likely want to join as well with him being light level 1085.
Hi SmokeyToki, I run a clan that is all of things you want! We are female friendly (because we are ran by a female) We are also a raid teaching clan. We teach multiple raids a week, to get as many people in as possible. We are US based, so english speaking. We have a discord and a private FB group, but both are optional. Just additional places to ask for help. You and your Husband are both welcome! If you have any questions, feel free to DM me or request to join the clan! Hopefully I'll be seeing you around :)
Good Ømens PS4 UK based 18+ clan 75 active members Raids/PVE/PVP All skill levels Helpful members Rank 6 every season Discord server https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3090738 Please message for invite
[quote]I'm looking for a clan that is preferably 18+, English speaking, that doesn't require discord and that is active who is girl gamer friendly. Really mostly looking for a clan that is open to helping new members with completing raids. I'm a 1076 warlock who is fairly active, however if I join my husband will most likely want to join as well with him being light level 1085.[/quote] Hey if you are interested I just started a clan called Rogue Legion of Guardians. We are active almost every other day. We are a chill and friendly clan willing to help others and have tons of fun. We accept all light levels. Its a 18+ non toxic clan.