Wings of Icarus
"Watch us fly"
originally posted in:Wings of Icarus
I was thinking what we could do is if someone wants a fire-team, they could make a new post with the name of their fireteam
Example: fireteam raiders
The in the post their time zone and other details like mic or no mic, the purpose of the team and the level of seriousness
Example: this is a competitive fireteam that requires mics, it is in 10+ (Australia) and is looking to do raids.we will be playing at 4:00pm
Then anybody who likes that fireteam and matches the requirements can reply to the post,when enough people reply the creator of the team replies and says who got in.
The people who want to join also have to say their details so the creator can choose.you can also have maybe three extra backup people incase someone does not show up :).
So that is my idea on a system for fireteams. Leave a reply and say what you think :)