So how did it go? Did you find enough people to run the vault?
I'm down for a team just send me a request. Tag is same as my name here.
Yeah, so I was only able to level up to 24, i have one legenedary weapon (launcher) Looks like i wont be doing this raid, sorry bros
Edited by Thairen: 9/18/2014 10:58:34 AMI'm definitely down! Lvl 26 warlock with exotic and legandary weapons. Full legendary gear other than class and helmet. Should be 27 tomorrow. GT is Ra1nbowCarnage
If you're still looking for people, I've got a level 26 Warlock I can help out with!
I thought it reset on tuesdays :S I hope I'm misinformed on that. I'm very game for raiding, but my timetable is not overly forgiving. Currently 25. I need more Legendary gear.
I plan on being 26 by Friday. I am 24 now so should not be difficult. Have mic willing to listen and let everybody know where i died.