LVL 27 Hunter PS3: DiscipleSong
Edited by SaintAnky: 10/3/2014 11:15:05 AMI'll be running VoG every time I'm on now since its the only way I can progress anymore. Also, I'm starting to get a feel for who the active reliable players are now. If you feel you might be one and want to find yourself next to me in the VoG one day, add my psn, SaintAnky
PSN : surma83 CST 29 'lock, both subs maxxed, 26 Hunter Gunslinger almost maxxed, haven't done much with Blade dancer. 24 Titan, just got him to 20 yesterday, should be 26/27 soon, working on defender mostly.
Anyone down for a raid? Lvl 27 hunter , eastern time, I also have a mic.
if im ever on and you guys need one I would like to start running the raid on my 27 hunter.
Edited by BossPD: 9/28/2014 11:23:28 PM(Ps3) Name:BossPD Class:Hunter lvl 27 Mic
Edited by docofshock: 10/5/2014 9:16:41 PMPS3 Warlock Lv 28 Sunsinger and voidwalker both maxed Mic Central time, I'm on most nights PSN: docofshock Grindin' shards
Edited by xAzgeda-: 9/28/2014 10:47:22 AMPS3 Hunter Lv28 Subclasses Max Mic PSN: xXMonoxKushXx Gear: Monte Carlo, Bad Juju, Invective, Thorn, and Lucky Rabbit.
Edited by django: 9/28/2014 10:33:56 AMPS3 Warlock 26 Mic Both subclasses maxed NZ Want to raid or do anything PSN:re_tarded_ninja_
Edited by SaintAnky: 9/28/2014 10:05:39 AMPsn: SaintAnky 28 titan with mic. EST
PS3 PSN: NgouyZBoy Level 27 Hunter Feel free to add me! Down for everything.
Edited by JackTheIrish: 9/17/2014 10:59:05 PMLevel 26 hunter add me Psn Jacktheirish Ps4
Im up for raiding. Wanna get my level up. Been stuck on 24 for awhile. level 24 hunter Maxed out Gold gun and work on blade dancer I have a mic Eastern
PS3 24 Hunter looking to raid. PSN: tyde91 Send friend request and invite if interested
Im up for raiding. just like the good ole times in WOW. Im a lvl 19 hunter. im hoping to hit 25-26 soon. I play mostly on the weekends and some at night after work. I get on about 930 eastern time over the week.
I am, ill be playing warlock or titan depending if i get my titan to 20 and get gear for it, ill be on form around 6pm to 12pm GMT-0 weekend and pretty much all weekend if i have nothing planned
Warlock, voidwalker
Ok dudes add me in game if you haven't and let me know your classes and sub classes.
Absolutely, I really want to get a solid raid group together.
Am up for some raids gamertag HeatproofPAIN on xbox one lv 25 warlock.
Edited by BuckshotSchell: 9/14/2014 3:10:13 PMI want to join in for some raid action. I just popped 20 Hunter last night and need some gear seems like good way to acquire some. PS3, have a mic. I'll be on later today.
I don't wanna force you to play a role you don't want but a titan with the shield is really important.
I'm definitely interested in doing raids, I have been away for the weekend which kinda sucks but as soon as i get back i'm gonna start doing strikes and the like to get better gear
Add me: Kunexis. lv 24 hunter soon 25. on xbox one ;D
It better!!! Lol