originally posted in:Owners of the Katana
... OK, I meant League of Legends. So from what I understand it's completely free, but micro-transactions let you get bonuses if you want.
I've played it once or twice but I suck. My record is going 1-19. It was an awesome game. But I've been watching some Dota 2 videos (they're practically the same thing far as I can tell) and figured maybe I'd give it another shot.
Any of you guys play? I'm burritosenior on there too I believe. I'm really bad so if I'm on one of your teams we'll probably lose. But I could use some people to play with if you want to be totally chill about doing really poorly.
To those that haven't played it, ever thought about it? I'm told it has one of the most steep learning curves of any game like... ever. But I'll try again methinks.
I'm downloading patches now since I haven't played in like a year and a half. So that's taking a while. But I'll probably try a game later tonight too. Assuming this ever finishes. It has been 33% for like an hour.
EDIT: My name on there is 'burritosenior.' Send me a friend request on there if you'd like and we can play some... beginner level bots together!
[u]3250 RP skins !!!![/u] Hai, I'm faixo. To be eligible for this; requirements simpily are; .Europe west (Euw) [u]Gold or above[/u] .Willing to carry a me to gold. .Skype .Mic About me; .I play mid/support. .I don't mind where I go. .I normally get around 100cs under 10mins. .I have won 3 games out of 3 in ranked. .I'm very friendly and chatty. Please leave your Skype name and Euw summoner name in comments if you wish. C [b]Note[/b]: I'm also willing to carry people through trails, raid challenge etc. Thank you
Never understood why people enjoy MOBA games, everytime I give it a shot, I find it just not fun to get into, even with friends.
I tried to play it but I'm so horrendously terrible that I just gave up on it... props to you for sticking with it though.
So I have been using Kog Maw and basically my strategy is... get a freaking enormous attack speed. And it's working! I get a ton more money and champions can't run away from me in time when I nuke them then follow with rapid auto attack. I just went positive for the first time ever! 7 kills 5 deaths 7 assists!
Getting a new setup soon, so i may take you up on it.
Yeah I think it's time that I install Windows on my Laptop. I mean, it's 2013 and I'm still playing Starcraft on a Mac.
[quote] I've been watching some Dota 2 videos (they're practically the same thing far as I can tell)[/quote]Get out. Leave. Don't ever come back. Jump off a nice tall bridge if possible.
I am Heimerdinger, hear me roar. Also, my name is Kickimanjaro.
I have Dota 2, but I'm pretty damn awful at it. I feel like I'm playing as Mario in a battle with Thor, Zeus, Gandalf and Cthulu. I mean, I saw some guy getting like 12 kills and 2 deaths in a match one time... that's like 6x as many kills as I have in total! And there was me being impressed in a match where I got 2 kills and 15 deaths.
Edited by Section Ratio General: 1/17/2013 8:12:28 AMI stopped playing it because it's basically the MOBA's version of Call of Duty. You're either better than everyone on the other team and a hacker, or you're not that great and everyone tells you to kill yourself. Basically Call of Duty, only MOBA version. Edit: Protip: Build Singed, get items that boost both HP and MP. Build Talon AS and Lifesteal. His bleed is OP.
Edited by Lord Commissar: 1/17/2013 7:50:34 AMWas going to play Skyrim, but what the hell why not. Summoner name is MrPinata, add me if you want to play.
Pro tip: play Singed. He is really tanky, fast (if built right), and a gigantic pain in the ass to play against. You might go a little giddy and insane while you're chasing people down, but he is one of the best "I don't give a -blam!-" characters.
GT: S4S Euphorius :) I'm pretty good, but I just play for fun.
If you ever want to play, I'm a pro Olaf. I'll carry you to victory.
There's actually a [url=http://www.bungie.net/en-us/View/community/Groups/Detail?groupId=18855]League of Legends Group on Bungie.net[/url], but it hasn't been terribly active lately. I play League fairly frequently, and I've got to say don't let the lower levels discourage you. Before you have any semblance of what's going on, it's going to take at least a hundred games.The biggest thing is not to worry if you're bad. That's unavoidable as a new player. Just focus on the positives and improvement.
It's a quality game. My name's the same as it is on here, if you want to add me. I haven't been playing much recently, though.
Been playing for a long time! [b][u]My names:[/u][/b] DMHCook m1k3c00k Feel free to add me!
Not sure how you're picking your characters but don't be afraid to ignore the difficulty rating and try the more "difficult" characters. I'm pretty bad at it, too (also new) but I found that I had better luck with characters that had a higher difficulty rating.
Burrito is improving as Kog Maw!
Good gaming fellas. I got two kills in one game! That's my new record. It was AWESOME! I beasted.
Oh right, I'm into LoL, but Dota 2's more my thing now. Not much to do in LoL once you hit the level cap (especially when you don't have enough champions to play ranked). Now that I think of it, we never got to play a game together. :/
We're in a beginner bot game, I'll make sure to do a writeup on how Burrito does for amusement :D
TERA is better
Edited by Hylebos: 1/17/2013 2:39:53 AMMy name on LoL is Hylebosai. I'd totally be up for playing bots with you if you need help.
Dota 2 is also free and fun.