originally posted in:Owners of the Katana
[quote][url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/116389]OTK's Xbox 360 + Xbox One Clan[/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/118512]OTK's PS3 and PS4 Clan[/url]
Howdy all. To our old folks I've seen returning, welcome back! To our newer friends, glad to have you! With the public forums being as busy as they are now, and FAR busier once the game releases (trust me on this, I've been here for three game releases!), it is going to be incredibly difficult to find people to play games with since the forums will move so fast.
And that's why we have groups. Groups give you smaller communities of like-minded individuals, and that's something OTK has excelled at for years. From community game nights to just a smaller selection of people to post on the forums with so you don't get a thousand meaningless replies from the public forum people that don't know what's going on with the world.
So here is where clans come in. Clans have a member cap, though I do not yet know the number. When you turn a group to a clan, all members become followers and then have to join the clan. That's not what we're doing with OTK. Instead, we are going to be a little more creative and combine the clan system with the alliance system. The problem is, only group founders can mess with clans. Vinman is the current founder because he's the oldest admin. There is no way around this. I have messaged him on Xbox Live asking if he would get on BNet and leave (he can come right back in) so the title would transfer and the plan can begin. Hopefully he'll do us this favor- he was always awesome. So until then OTK cannot join clans or alliances.
BUT. So what I have done is made[b][u] [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/116389]this group[/url].[/b][/u] Now, I'll use it for Xbox One myself, but it's open to 360 users to find games and want to represent, too. We also have [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/118512]OTK's PS3 and PS4 Clan[/url], so I hope you PS users will join that and mark it as your clan so you'll have access to all those sweet in-game features. I also know everyone and their mother is making their own clan right now instead of joining others. But I believe that with the clan specific achievements, it will be best to gather around already existing large groups of reliable people. Everybody in OTK has met the requirements to join, meaning they're an achievement whore or a completionist (we don't judge, I'm one too!). And for an achievement that says something like 'Finish a Raid on the hardest difficulty with your clan?' You really can't find a better group of people to pick from. So I imagine people will start grouping around OTK once the hype of making your own clan dies down, and this will give you all an even larger pool to choose from. After all, if everybody makes their own clan, nobody will get those achievements because nobody is in the same one!
So if you are an Xbox One user, I would encourage you to join the clan I created and mark it as your Xbox clan (that last part is important- you need a certain number of people to mark it before it becomes active for in-game use!).
If you use another system, and this especially goes to our OTK veterans but really anyone who wants to take up that initiative, talk to me or throw out some clan names we can use. Then when I am able to do alliances, we will tie all the clans to OTK's main group. Thus every clan will have a clan forum and OTK will become what is essentially a 'Super Forum' of all the clans, thus meaning you don't need to mess with two groups or anything.
So yeah. That is the current gameplan. If any of you have any tips or thoughts on it, feel free to share! OTK is one of the oldest still going groups on Bungie.net. You're all part of a very exciting time, and I cannot wait to play with you guys in Destiny.
I play on both consoles, I have sent a request to join both groups to best represent OTK.
I mean....ive tried to join for three days since ive finalltly found a not-so-big clan tht is serious about what they do and no one still responded.....got 2 maxed out characters plus an upcoming one and I miss like 4 exotics to have every single one in the game....plz give me signs of live admins :,(
Request sent to join OTK. I've gotten 3 exotic weapons so far, 2 bounties underway. 2 exotic helms, fully upgraded and ready to roll out!
Hey Burrito! I'm back. It's good to see OTK still going strong.
I have sent a request to join OTK. I would love to be able to play with people to accomplish raids, strikes, etc. In an achievement whore as well lol. I'm on the xbox one and my tag is iBR J0kER
I sent a request to join. It will b nice to finally have companions in my journey through our solar system. Im on mostly from 10pm-2am central time. Anyone interested In raids, strikes, or queen kill orders send me an invite.
Ps3 Angelicfury21 level 22 Hunter. please add me so I can end soloing.
The Xbox clan heavily outweighs the Playstation clan. All you PS3 and PS4 people should change that. :P
Sent a Join Request. Looking Forward to seeing everyone on XBL. If yall see me on XB1 send an invite or join :)
Joined! We better play some destiny together, I'm so damn excited for it.
Haven't been on here in forever guys...since Halo 3, Reach days, but ya boy will be doing mad work on Destiny every chance I get between the crucial moments of my senior years first semester. Admin, keep us updated with clan status. I tried following link in main post, but through the Bungie companion it says group url unavailable.
This thread has been updated- OTK now has an Xbox and a Playstation Clan. Woo!
I already started up my own clan for Xbox One and 360, but I'd like to make an alliance with this one.
Hey Burrito I looked at my door key and saw a mustache on it. Secretly, it's a sign people should join his group if you feel your mustache is daring enough. I'll hit a like because the mustache on my key said so.
Preparing for raids? So are we! Join our clan for experienced Bungie gamers.
I have three Xbox One codes being given away in the Xbox clan, so join up there if you'd like one. Cheers.
Ride on the magic school bus!
So is it all possible to join multiple clans? I have a lot of offers.
Astrocreep2010 on XboX One requesting admittance into the secret society of the keepers of the katana.
I requested to join in on the PS4/ PS3 clan!
I requested a join of the xbox one/360 clan.
Join dem clans yo
I don't know what's going on anymore. :(