originally posted in:Casual Gamerz
For those of us casual gamers who are on the xbox consoles both One and 360, post your tags here so we can all send out friend requests to each other, and make this clan official. I also suppose we need to come up with a clan tag. Any ideas?
Hey everyone! Add me on Xbox 1 GT-VietSoLe :)
Just requested to join, lvl 34 hunter/titan, lvl 25 warlock. Looking to do raids and nightfall from time to time. Xbox one: Roberto81hendO
Name's Jake (from Statefarm). All characters 34. Looking to chill and make new friends on destiny doing whatever. Can't play that often, in PT school but hmu if I'm on! Xbox One!
Xbox one, lvl 31 warlock. I'd like some people to do raids, strikes, etc, but I'm up for anything. Just getting bored of playing solo. Feel free to add/message me, my gt is the same as here. Should be down to play anytime I'm online.
I'm on the 360 and have all characters maxed at 34 Titan, Warlock, and Hunter.
Edited by Bamitsrichie: 6/21/2015 6:49:27 PMHi, I'm Rich. I'm a casual gamer that rarely gets to play since I'm a senior in college. My gamer tag is Rolltid3Rich and I play on the Xbox One. Add me and send me a message so we can do some co-op missions, POE or anything else on destiny.
My GT is Sister Ophelia I only have the XB1 version of the game. I have a level 32 Titan, but I'm currently working on a Hunter. I'm a very relaxed gamer just looking to have fun.
Anyone want to try the trials of Osiris with me and my wife? Don't care if u have a mic or anything just want to play, message me on Xbone gt: AnExplodedLlama
Edited by The Muffin Man (Adept): 5/16/2015 6:42:47 AMHey guys, my gt is AbuzzSnake00921 and I have a lvl 31 warlock and 27 titan. Looking for any people who could help me out (or need help) with raids or strikes. I generally play on weekends, but with exams coming up my gaming time has shrunk to an all time low, making it impossible to organise fireteams from scratch. Really just looking for people to play with. Guardian out Edit: Xbox One
Edited by KronosOrdo: 10/6/2014 3:08:33 PMXbox one Cronos1320 Lvl 25 Titan Lvl 26 warlock Lvl 27 Hunter Don't let the levels fool you, took off a week of work and was able to get pretty far in the game. The high levels are lucky drops and grinding a lot of bounties for the xp gain. I have a 9-5 job and have plans on weekends sometime. I have a mic and can use it for intense stuff but I'm of the introverted persuasion and won't talk much. I have no problem listening! :). I'm on most evenings (est) till about 9:30 and Saturdays. Looking for people to do any and all pve stuff with ( I only do pvp if an exotic bounty requires it :S). My brother and I have the game but most of our friends either rage quit Destiny or have different consoles :(.
GT: Nomadic Cap XBox 1 - Have Mic Warlock lvl 29 Hunter lvl 25 Titan lvl 11 Active daily.
Edited by Torch 04: 11/16/2014 2:32:06 AMTorch 04 Titan level 29 Warlock level 27 Hunter level 26 Xbox 360 Looking for more people to roll with. I'm up to do anything.
Edited by Flaggs71: 2/24/2015 11:13:08 AMI'm a mature gamer who wants to add more friends around the globe to max out the opportunity playing the game with teams .add me if you want to.i'm no hardcore ;) dont hesitate when i'm playing with other friends ,teams,clan etc. i will answer or join you when it's possible. gt. Flaggs71,titan lvl31,warlock lvl31,hunter lvl30,XB1 and mic.
Hey guys, I'm on the Xbox 360 looking to get with other players and learn the raids and just have some fun! Bulldog618 is my online name
Edited by IrilinThePotato: 5/16/2015 8:57:40 AMXbox One GT : IrilinThePotato Hunter - level 31 Warlock - level 30 Titan- level 28 Hey everyone feel free to add me or message me to do raids,strikes or whatever I'm always up for it.
Feel free to add: I've got a lvl 21 Titan and working on leveling my other two. Xbox name: deetso
Hey all, Gt is SylintSin on Xbox One Lvl 32 for all characters I was wondering how to join the clan because this seems like the best clan for my situation. I am 25 years old, currently living in the midwest, and I have a full time job so I'm usually playing a couple of hours a night. I've been playing since launch, have a good amount of experience at raids so I'm willing to help with anything while I'm online. Thanks
Xb1 Level 27 Titan I'm on random. Looking to do anything if invited. Especially looking to do nightfall and vault. Haven't dabbled in those yet. Will be leveling up other guardians soon. GT = JAYSIR BEATZ add me.
Looking for players to game with and gear up. I'm tired of playing alone it makes the game boring after a while. Currently only have a level 24 Titan add me. Anytime you see me online I'm down to play. Spaceghostx20s
Like to introduce myself: GT:PapPaw66 Level 25 Titan Xbox 360 I'm a 48 year old grandpa, I bought 1 copy before Christmas to see if I would like the game and I did. So we go two more copies for the grandsons so We could all play together when they came out on the weekends. Now we also surprised them with new consoles and Xbox live subscriptions to. One grandson is level 17 Hunter and other is Level 15 Warlock. Right now Monday-Friday and maybe some weekends, I'm stuck on the SIEGE OF THE WAR MIND. Like to have friends I can casually strike, raid, or whatever is next on the menu. Shoot I'm Easy!
Edited by Galahadus: 4/29/2015 1:18:08 AMHi all. I'm new to Destiny and need help leveling. I would also willing to help out with wherever I'm needed. My IGN is galahadus on the xbox one.
Looking for late night gamers. I play around 1 am Arizona time western. Looking for groups, raids and general help. I am far from experienced
I got 3 lvl 29-30 toons, lvl depending on gear looking for players to do weekly and Nightfall. Gt same as above.
Edited by SMELLYSUSHI 101: 4/29/2015 12:29:46 AMLooking to gain some fresh Xbox360 buddies to do Nightfall, Raids, Strikes, Crucible, or just help out with other peeps bounties....I'm 'so-so' with crucible. I'm not really great at it, but, then I don't really suck at it, either.....I'm periodically online throughout the week, sometimes in afternoons, or evenings, and weekends....Hit me up with friends requests and I'll help out where I can....I don't really check the Bungie clan sites often enough, so shoot me a xbox IM, since I'm online most times away....Matured Gamer here, but like i said I will help out where I can, but I can't stress enough that attitude is everything, please have a good one....I have (3) level 31 Titans; message me at: SMELLYSUSHI_101. Thanks again.
Could I join?