originally posted in:Casual Gamerz
Hey all, I'm a newbie to PS4. Just got into the PS4 with destiny. Unfortunately I am friendless and would appreciate a few buddies to conquer some strikes! Cheers
PSN Monificent03 Only lvl 20 warlock. Usually up for vanguard strike playlists in Saturdays and Sundays
Anyone can feel free to add me. PSN: Savoy19
Also new to PS4 (only a couple weeks in). Mostly playing Destiny. Lvl 21 right now. Looking for people to do weekly strikes, vanguard strikes, etc with. Not really into crucible matches but maybe someday. PSN ID is Lorellan.
I could do with some new friends on PS4: Speshul_Duck
Ps4 add me Daniel8525423
New to the ps4 Add me sparda205
Add me Dbielke
Fresh to PS4. Casual gamer, Lvl 9 warlock looking for a fire team. Add me PSN logetero
new to ps4 psn john_0221
Hi. I'm new to ps4 also. Add me :) Causal gamer. Be around mostly evenings. Psn Nikki-Lou- Thanks
PSN ID auzenith Titan level 7
Psn ID : Tudyisster Just got my ps4 few days ago , level 13 titan.
Just got my PS4 as well :) PSN: JVT127
Same here. w0mbat_z0mbie I'm usually on from 5-10 pm cst if anyone wants to join up
Add me imarej
Add me at @TheJ4cks0nh
Psn Erusindo Feel free to add
Also new on ps4 Linky2008 Warlock 25
Another PS4 newbie Add me -PSN somerville29s
Throne82, add me whenever
Ezkidd32......feel free to add me
add me too. I just got a ps4 with destiny. thezmancrzb94
Add me Psn: hearitsnap
same here. psn- bulbasRawr. currently a level 9 Titan. anyone feel free to add me! I usually play every night anywhere btw 8pm and 3 am eastern time
Add me mate: [b]SmoothedPigeon[/b]
Just started playing myself. Add me: PSN SlimX026