originally posted in:Casual Gamerz
If you are on Xbox, I apologies for not creating it earlier. Make sure to click "set as xbox clan" on your computer. I can't add anyone to the clan. They have to click it on their own.
Look for the "xbox" post on the forum page to put our name and info. This was just an announcement to let people know they can join the clan.
Looking for team mates to play with usually on 7pm est time for an hour or two weekdays and usually more time on weekends. GT is Atrr0x add me.
ID DrEmettBrown Join me. Trying to finish campaign. Playing only on hard.
Hi, I live in England and I'm on most nights. I'm happy to do any match/game. I'm a level 22 Warlock. GT Untapped Mayhem
xbox one gt: the jumpsmith
Fenwick129 on xbox 360. On at random times most afternoons around 2/3 and some evenings. Currently level 13 Titan.
Hi! I'm on the Xbox one. My GT is Smokewagon94. I'm a lvl 25 Titan Defender.
GT: Spilley - on afternoons/evenings PST
Looking for ppl to do weekly strikes with. Level 24 warlock. GT is colston21 Xbox one
Xbox 360 StuntedScarab Usually on around 7 est
I'm on 360 as WYBYLE
Hey all, Joined to find some people to play with sometimes. I'm on a 360 and I usually play somewhere in the evening of GMT time. Greetings from Holland ;)
Z00L22 is my gamer tag (the O's are Zeros) I usually play after 4pm est during the week.
Xbox one Homebrewtality Hours vary, but I am on late night on weekends fairly consistently
Make sure to click "set as xbox clan" on your computer. I can't add anyone to the clan. They have to click it on their own.
Xbox 360 GT: Pandman87
Chikout on xbox one!
Woo. Here is my GT: DrCutAndPaste and I play on 360.
Xbox 360 GT: Ghetto Mosher x
My GT is SLIKxREBEL82 and i usually play after 6:00 EST