originally posted in:Casual Gamerz
Hi guys,
Pretty new to Destiny but I've learnt pretty quickly that you need people to play it with to get anywhere half decent.
The idea is simple, post your psn in a reply (and guardian level if you want) and i'll add you (as will anyone else in the thread). As we are all in the UK you should have plenty of people to call into a fireteam as and when you need them.
I know there are similart hrrads to this but i wanted to make a UK specific one so people could find it easier to coordinate.
So post away if you want to be added, hopefully we all get alot of new comrades and even more loot out of it!
Hi have started to play destiny on psn from the UK please add me
Hi, I'm new here, I'm Osirus128 on PS4, should be hitting 20 later today, would love help with strikes and raids when they're available. Not sure if I can use my mic though, as my NAT setting is 3 :/
PSN = Scotland4eve Lvl 32 Happy to help anyone do anything, have completed VOG and CE multiple times Usually on between 7pm and 11pm on weekdays and on weekends it is pretty random when I'm on
Hi guys I am CRAG7 I have a level 26 hunter.
Level 29 warlock, on quite often have a mic add me Mighty_Mouse145
Hey UK based. Lvl 31 hunter. On some evenings and most weekends. Add my psn StPrew88.
PSN: Harl3-Qu1n Pretty much play on Weekends, or the odd day after work.
Hey man. UK here. Just wanna try out some endgame stuff without being harangued by hardcores. Only have lvl 26 hunter. So vog normal for me. Psn Trojanmonkey.
mistermisterw Level 30 warlock Level 28 titan Level 12 hunter On at odd hours.